Chase Bliss Generation Loss MKII

Hmmm, not sure.

Has it been moved?

I thought first batch was shipping in September…

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Ah, looks like we’re both partially correct: “first batch is expected to ship between late September to early November”


Additional update confirming late September release via Instgram just a few hours ago:


I preordered and have done a pretty good job putting it out of my mind since it won’t arrive until September/November but as it gets closer I’m starting to get pretty excited. I watched the few YouTube videos there are for this and it sounds pretty incredible.


I sold my Deco and also threw Chase Bliss some money to show them how cool an idea is a CBM stereo pedal.

:thinking: :money_with_wings:


Generation Loss MkII manual is up for those biding their time before it arrives. This continues in the vein of the Habit’s excellent graphic design and layout. Looks like a fun read.


Oh man, this gets me insanely hyped for these to start shipping. Glad I preordered one!

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sounds like MK2 model tries to be an accurate tape emulation.
it seem to sound great but I am a little bit concerned that all those tape noises and pops might clutter the low end very quickly…

There’s going to be a lot of this sound on music in a few months :slight_smile:


If I’m not mistaken, you can set the level of wow, flutter, pops and noise independently from each other… so you can have a really “wowy” sound without noise and pops or a really noisey sound without wow etc.


yep exactly, i was just thinking that maybe having the filters on the mk1 makes more sense. you can dial in a generous amount of noisiness, while removing the unwanted frequencies thanks to the filter.
Nice to have MK1 and MK2 models inside the pedal, at least we have the choice!
I preordered and I am really eager to try it!


This sounds fantastic. There is still a part of me that is wary of willfully adding noise to a signal considering my earliest days recording on cassette four tracks were a constant struggle to eliminate as much noise as possible to achieve “professional” sounding recordings. That said, this thing sounds like it is going to be a great tool for adding texture and character to a given sound. I think the possibility of abuse with this pedal is high but when added to specific elements in a composition and used with some restraint this thing will drastically improve the interest and effectiveness of a given signal.

On second thought I know my first few days with this thing will be full failure, noise, flutter, wow, and saturation all the time.


I feel you. But now you can have noiseless takes that you sum and dub noiselessly and only add noise at the end as a (stereo!) mastering effect.

the future is wild


That video has me so hyped for this. Excited to use the failure mode on drums, the dry mode to eliminate noise while still using wow and flutter on synths. This pedal just oozes style and ideas.

I’m thinking the same. I really want one but this could get played out real quick.


The amount of blending options is going to be pretty useful. It all sounded like a sweet spot in the video manual but I think it will really shine in mixes with subtler settings. I could see just using the saturation by itself. Can’t wait for it to ship.


You could argue that it’s been played out for some time.

I do love the sound and basic premise of this class of FX though. I bought a Fairfield Shallow Water and a Demedash T-60 a couple of months ago to get into that territory, but I haven’t actually pulled them out for use yet. Partially because I didn’t think they’d fit the tracks I’ve been working on since, but also because I think I’m subconsciously averse to sounding too twee wibblywobbly BOC hauntology whatever clone.

I’m sure I’ll find the sweet spots that would fit my music without being too heavy handed. Just need to get on it. And if I had the moolah and didn’t already have the other two pedals, I’d probably be all over the GLMK2 as well.


Exactly my fear as well.