Chase Bliss Generation Loss MKII

I’m late in the game but i’m in.
Should be here quick, :rofl: last thing i ordered was an sp404 mk2, an osmose and a chromagnon.

btw, its looks like top class, i’ve been as other, being interested by this effetc after using the sp404, but being able to use with midi with this quality of algorythm should be awesome.

See you next year.

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Some news from the Chase Bliss newsletter:

Hello everyone!
I thought it would be a good time to update everyone on some Generation Loss MKII happenings since we are getting closer to shipping batch 1 out every day. We will start shipping these the week of September 25th. We expect to have batch 1 shipped out in its entirety by the end of October. As always, we’ll be getting the pedals out the door dependent on when we received your pre-order. Pre-orders received earliest will ship first.
The pre-order for batch 2 is still open. I have “late January” listed on the website as to when those will start shipping, but I’m starting to feel increasingly optimistic those who have already pre-ordered or who pre-order soon will have their pedals in 2022. You can get in on the batch 2 pre-order here.
Lastly, our friend Matt Lowery made a really great video manual for us, but that’s right on the top of this message so you probably already saw it. It’s very well done, and if you want to see the actual manual you can check that out here. Hope y’all had a great weekend! -Joel


This thing sounds so good.

Sounding good! While I have a handful of other lofi pedals, and also use some plugins that get similar sounds to this here, I am l looking forward to having a pedal like this with such a variety under one roof. It looks to be very versatile. Now the only question is, will I need two of them?

Dang this sounds demo is really really getting me hyped

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I can’t wait until mine comes. All my music will sound like it was recorded with a wooden microphone into a steam-powered tape recorder and broadcast from a tiny country’s ancient radio transmitter run off the faltering power grid.


how many presets can it save if any, without the need to access the pedal through midi and a computer?

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Two presets is it.


Oh! Hadn’t even seen this pedal could actually receive MIDI. Nice!

So the presets work the same as on the Habit. That’s been working out just fine for me. I start with one pedal set up, change parameters and call up the presets as needed.

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wow and I thought 16 was too few, well it is what it is, good thing it looks like a fun pedal to play with!

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That seems perfect to me.
I REALLY want one of these

I do see their Faves pedal pop up here and there at reasonable prices.
Think it gives you an additional 4 saves.


I don’t see the MIDI manual that the mkII manual references, but it does state that a Chass Bliss midibox is required for MIDI … it is sold out with no restock timetable.

Does anyone else make a compatible midibox to communicate with CB pedals or is there something proprietary that requires a midibox?


Thanks! I’m beginning the process of trying to get my guitar pedal board synced with MIDI. This is another puzzle piece.

I think Empress ones can as well but double check.

If anyone wants to buy this midi cable to control the Chase Bliss Generation Loss from me, please let me know. I think I’m going to cancel my order because I need the funds to buy something else. Shipping was $9 directly from their store so the total was $25. I’ll sell in the US for $19 and cover shipping.

How did you get the name of my imaginary album?