Chase Bliss Generation Loss MKII

By everything I’ve seen of this pedal it sounds like it will be really great for more obvious tape emulation effects. It shows that they did their homework on different tape characters (eq curves, failure characteristics, etc). The thing I am slightly concerned about is how it will hold up with subtler settings. I was intrigued to try this as a mixdown effect but in a really light way. Possibly adding a mild saturation, some filtering, maybe mild pitch variation, or bit reduction effects. The Full Mixes section of the Sound and Settings video sounded great but a little too full on for what I’m going for. Luckily, it shouldn’t be too long of wait to find out for myself as they are supposed to be shipping next week but does anyone with experience of previous iterations of this pedal have a take on Gen Loss as a mixdown effect?


@ new_drugs I also want this MKII for subtle FX on Mixdown. Did not own any GL before, because MKII is the only STEREO version. From what I heard on other channels with previous GL and experimenting with my Warped Vinyl I am sure you can also get subtle movements with this Chase Bliss Pedal. This is the reason why i ordered mine :grin:

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We will soon see. There is nothing making me think it won’t be capable of this. It’s just the videos seem to be demonstrating the more flamboyant uses of the pedal.

For a subtle effect the Strymon Deco is nice.

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Someone offered to trade me the Deco for a pedal I had up for sale and I kind of regret not taking them up on it. I’ll have to check one out sometime.

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It’s nice, I liked the saturation, and can get a little wobbly if you want that as well. Strymon recently released a MkII with a few new features that I want to check out sometime.

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There is a position for getting unity input signal, and you can dial the volume of the overal fx

So I am very confident you can go subtle.
You can even remove parts of FX, so it seems the pedal offers a lot of control over what you can do.

It even seems you can either treat left and right with the same artifacts, or different ones: this pedal seems created to spend time chasing, well, bliss I guess ^^
I’m confident I’ll not miss my Deco!


I use the MIDI Box 4. It works perfectly on my board. My MIDI enabled guitar effects are all synced to my A4/AR2. I’ve since sold my CB Habit, but have a GL2 incoming to take its place.


All of the Chase Bliss pedals are MIDI equipped.

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Nice board!

I didn’t think of using Elektron gear to control … all I have is the Syntakt but I suppose there is some functionality.

I have a HX stomp XL and apparently there is a way to create snapshots to send midi to pedals. If it works I will experiment to get better with MIDI. I think a loop switcher is in the cards at some point, but I need to research more. To be able to reorder and run parallel seems like a big luxury. Options seem limited.

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so have you guys got tracking numbers etc…?

Not as of yet. I’m hoping tomorrow.

I cannot lie I am beyond not crazy about the ports being on the sides instead of the top but this pedal is just going to ooze sample fodder non-stop!!!


:eyes: hopefully shipping today

Got my tracking info today! (Order #1517)


I’m #37 (or something) and no notice yet.

Nice! I’m 2995 so I think it maybe a few days for me.

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EU shipments are a couple of weeks behind, are on their way to the Amsterdam hub.
Thats from their instagram…


Yeah I’m #3637 or something so I’m probably a little way out, but hope to see some of you folks making some cool stuff this week!

I’m in Sweden. That’s so European, I’ll be part of that lost generation once my Generation Loss arrives.

#37 my European ass :sweat_smile: