Chase Bliss Generation Loss MKII

You thought you were #37? That number is how many days it will take to get to you!


See, that’s just the beer talking.


I’m just saying, I know a guy who can probably get you one in 34 days.


Now you’re talking.

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Shipping has started!

But us EU folks will have to wait a cpl of weeks as it seems they have just started shipping pedals to the EU hub…

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I’m 1705 and just got my shipping notice.


#23 EU, no notice yet

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#4589 lmao see y’all in the new year

Gonna run it on send in Ableton. Can’t wait.

los ángeles
no shipping notice yet

Mine is supposed to arrive today. I’ll post some thoughts if I get a chance! I’ve had every version of this thing from the cooper arcade card to the modded gen 1 etc.

I also have the golden era tefi pedal and some of the other popular lofi pedals. This one seems to be the top of the mountain, but who knows!


EU and #316 here. No shipping notice yet. The tension is palpable!

Fingers crossed for w/c the 10th I reckon.

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Are the dropouts also created by the Generation Loss?

I haven’t watched that video yet, but the “Failure” knob increases dropouts the more it is turned up.


i am not the creator of the video.
but i am sure that the gen loss is responsible for the dropouts

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Ok, that’s crazy. Sounds pretty authentic, like a broken tape or something. A bit much on the mix for my taste but convincing. :slight_smile:
It’s so funny because back in the days we hated when that happened to our recording and nowadays people buy an expensive pedal for the effect. Of course i know that’s not the only effect which the pedal does. And the other stuff sounds very cool i think.


Came yesterday, it’s lovely! The most fully realized version of this sound and idea. Anyone who’s interested and into this sound- this is it. It doesn’t get better and more complete than this.

At the same time I’m somewhat over this sound, but that’s just where I’m at personally. Beautiful pedal, very happy it exists and happy everyone will be able to get one!


hard to believe it’s better than your golden era

Which # are you? I’m in the 2300s and chomping at the bit!