Chase Bliss Generation Loss MKII

Hoping ppl from the first batch get this and realize it’s a one trick pony so I can buy an affordable pony


It’s not better, it’s different. Different flavors you know?

I will say that the gen loss mk2 has a ton of control over different parameters. It’s a pretty deep pedal considering the effect.

I was 1705!

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Damn, sucks to be in EU…

I have #54 and I don’t even seem to be close to getting one… oh well as they say in Sweden “one who waits for something tasty doesn’t wait too long”


I definitly hope you are close !
I’m #839 :rofl:

I’m actually kind of relieved I’m not getting mine until a few weeks, despite being number #37 (or something). I’ve just learned how to get consistently enjoyable results out of Habit, so now I wanna go deep into that one. Took some time to break the code, so I wanna ride the payoff for a few weeks now.


Standing by for the Circuitghost Habit guide . . . :slight_smile:

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You know, I’m sorry to disappoint but I don’t actually know what I’m doing. Somehow, I’m just doing something that generates stuff I can actually use now :slight_smile:

If I’d say something, it’s to always start with the Spread and Scan turned to zero, find a delay and modifier that matches what you hear in your head, and then dial up the Spread first and the Scan last. Slowly, back and forth, looking for that perfect balance, deleting the immediate it goes bonkers.


Ha! Same here, actually, on all accounts

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In depth as always.


dang, this thing is the instant “Helios-Eingya” pedal ive been dreaming about. GAS list is short these days cuz im a house husband and have zero gear budget, but damn. sexy lofi pedals got me finna risk it all



Got my shipping email!
order #2082
I got a spot ready for it in the corner


I vastly underestimated how late I reserved :smiley: I’m #3673, so I’m probably weeks out.

I’m #5120! Was offline for a week when announced and had no idea this was a reality. By the time I learned of it, I was plenty late.

Are there really over 5000 pre-orders?
If so….wild.

Order numbers started at 0 when they launched the new site/Habit, so it’s difficult to determine how many Gen Loss mkii have sold from only an order number.


#236X shipped!


I’m getting closer (#2995)! I’d love to hear more feedback from those that have received theirs.

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Does anyone know whether these order numbers are per batch? I am #602 but ordered in batch 2.

I got in touch with the Chase Bliss EU hub. They told me shipping of the first 300 units is starting now. Your pedal should be with you soon.

Too bad, I’m #427. :frowning:

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