Chase Bliss Generation Loss MKII

Watching you all in this thread has me excited about it, and I haven’t even ordered one.


Just got an email in the EU:

Your order 151 is ready to be shipped

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First batch #225 in EU, not a word yet apart from the order confirmation.

🫣 :cold_sweat: :cold_face:

Oh, I wasn’t patient enough: alert received!

Nothing for me yet either #64….

Joel at Chase Bliss said they were starting to ship (in the US) order #3000 yesterday. He said they are shipping about 100 pedals per day.


Thats an impressive number… must be all hands on deck at the chase bliss factory…

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Those were the exact words out of Joel’s mouth.


UK here… no emails. I envy you real EU citizens.

Yep, yet another “brexit benefit” for us in the UK

I’ve had things ship from the US to the U.K. post-Brexit with no extra hassle though. I do wonder if sending 300 pedals to the EU hub in the Netherlands with x amount of those needing to be forwarded on the the U.K. is what’s caused the big delay in getting these out.

Brexit is one thing, but it’s been 4 weeks since these started shipping in the US and no one in the EU has received theirs yet, that’s not good enough imo.

@circuitghost and @MichaalHell are from Sweden I think and just received theirs. Also they’re a small company and are doing nothing but packing and sending pedals these days, no need to complain I feel.

About that info that batch 2 could be shipped earlier, I wouldn’t bet on it. Reached out to Chase Bliss and got the following repl:
“ Hey there! Thanks for reaching out :blush: I’m personally not sure how many are in each batch, however I know that batch 2 are on track to ship between Jan-March! We’re currently all hands on deck in the production room, and working hard to get pedals out the door! :heart:


I’m in no rush, it arrives when it arrives, they are a small boutique company just setting up a new EU hub. I’m sure everything will be ok, their customer service is second to none.


Anyone having received the Gen loss is able to replicated that low Cut “issue” pointed out by Ricky Tinez?
He has a huge low cut even with the DRY at 100% and wet at zero on his unit…

thats disturbing if that is true… I was thinking of sending mixes through it (GLMK2 last in chain)

I wonder why nobody noticed it before. Maybe they haven’t used it on bassy material?
The phasing sound seems strange too. Could it be that there’s something wrong with Ricky Tinez’ pedal or his setup?

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Could very be some phasing issue, no?
I think bass would be most impacted by such problem.
Hopefully it’s only Ricky’s installation…

In this video, we clearly here the bass and no doubling effect:

Edit: I was wrong, Ricky was right.


Yeah, that’s what i thought too. But i don’t know. He’s not a newbie.

Yes, but… I won’t throw a stone. It can happen to anyone. Anyone. :sweat_smile:


Definitely. But before i publish a video and talk about a problem with a device… :slight_smile: But yeah, it can happen to anybody. I just remembered how Stimming forgot to turn timestretch off.


Problem is either on Chase Bliss (including Knobs) and every people that tried this pedal with a drumbox, or it’s on Ricky’s side.
I would think that Chase Bliss did the job, so I’m very hopeful it’s Ricky’s mistake.