Chase Bliss Generation Loss MKII

yes, of course they will fix “real” bugs like the low cut in the DSP-Bypass.

But the general low cut is not a problem for the majority (guitar players),
so eventually not a “real” bug…

cool Demo without talking:

@ around 0:25 clean and punchy drums,
followed by nice saturated drums (reel-to-reel-model) - but without low end


With stereo in, I’m not sure guitarists are the only target here…
But of course let’s not forget the end result is supposed to be listened to on a phone anyway. :sweat_smile:


bummer that its a true bug…
okay I guess to use true bypass (I don’t have any problem with that), but unfortunate that there is that low cut when using the pedal (not bypassed). This makes it less suitable to run your final mix through (end of chain).

so if I understand this correctly… there’s a true bypass mode and a DSP bypass mode. the former has no low-cut but won’t necessarily silently switch when you engage/disengage the pedal, and the latter has a low-cut but will always silently switch. correct?

if so, personally the true bypass option doesn’t bother me then. I’ll likely never perform live with it where a non-silent switch could be obtrusive.


And then a pedal comes out that accurately recreates the sound of a pedal switching….


I don’t understand the DSP bypass mode. Can anybody explain why one would use it instead of the true bypass mode?


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So the dsp mode has less latency? Which would be useful if you use the pedal for beats? Or mix the wet signal with a bit of dry signal. Because you would hear the latency?

I’m just trying to understand why some people ran drums through it and had proper bass response from what i hear in the videos. Either they eq’d the signal afterwards or they didin’t care about latency and used the true bypass mode i guess.

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I was just guessing out loud, someone else will hopefully come along with a full explanation!

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:smiley: Ok, i thought you had the answer.

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Also, how do you put the pedal on true bypass mode?

Nevermind I RTFM ->

its supposed to be on true bypass by default. which makes me wonder if Ricky Tinez didnt have it on true bypass

so weird how often those two are mentioned in the same post…


Mine might have come defaulted to DSP bypass because I noticed the drop in bass immediately–surprised the beta testers didn’t pick this up–not subtle at all. The pedal is complex though–especially the modes of wet/dry mixing, gain staging and saturation–and the way they interact. I expect it’ll take some time to sort out the best way to use Gen Loss in the studio and for playing live.


You hold down both knobs till the leds are green then turn model to the left to put it in true bypass. To save ppl the rtfm.

Yeah the pedal is fine even with the low cut, just mix it back in with a linear phase eq if its that critical. They have said they will fix it, lots to dig into in the mean time.

Its pretty exciting to see CBA embracing stereo and non guitar, id love a warped vinyl and condor in this format. I’m guessing it’ll be their digital ones though, probably cant fit that much stereo analog circuitry in the small form factor. They should make them as 1ru 19" rack stereo units hmmm


Really impressed with the quality of this pedal—you can tell a lot of development work went into the design. CB is pushing the limits packing a high level of complexity into such a small form factor, though. Given the constraints, they did a fantastic job with the UI, but I think this level of fx processor deserves a larger form factor. Especially if they’re moving into stereo pedals, it would be nice to see them step up a bit in enclosure size to something like the size of the Vongon pedals with separate L and R channel jacks. That would let them bring a few more controls to the surface and some indicator leds would help too. For instance—there’s 12 tape models accessed by the top right pot and no indication of which model is selected. It would be nice to have a led that blinked each time you moved to the next model.


So close now.


First one landed on Ebay Kleinanzeigen for 590€ … Sent the seller a message why he wants to cash in 120€ premium. “That’s what the market is willing to pay”. Sadly, someone will buy the pedal rather soon I guess.


I was hanging out the washing while watching the street through the window at that moment.
Needless to say that I have no non-delivery paper in the mailbox : they just didn’t care finding out my address. Not using my phone number.

There should be a special hell for lazy non-deliveries.