Chase Bliss Generation Loss MKII

Haha same here.

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They have the automatone enclosures which are big anf stereofied (not the pre amp though)

@circuitghost do you still have your CXM 1978 I haven’t heard or seen it in a while from you.


CXM 1978 :wink:


Smarty pants :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I’m especially attached to that year :sweat_smile:


Another Swede! I ordered mine on the 17th of June, no alert yet.

What order no. Do you have?

Yeah agreed! That sucks

The pedal format isnt as convenient as 19" rack for computer based studio/tour work, so imo would be a better choice if CBA ever went there.

That’s true… it has more of a Synthfluencer aesthetic to it… it is gorgeous though

Yep. Not parting with it ever.



I have a BAM which I love, but I confess the CXM is truly beautiful. The only thing I think BAM has over the CXM is the way the reverb sounds when tweaking the Tone/Diffusion knob/slider. I find the BAM sounds much smother

Edit: I realize that I’ve only compared YouTube vids of the CXM with live tweaking BAM so the comparison might be a bit unfair.

@BobHalifax I think they said they’re shipping a 100 a day in the US facility, it’s probably less in the EU office, so maybe you’ll get a notice of shipment next week

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Good to know. What number were you?

#255 is home, ladies and gentlemen!
Hadn’t been hyped by a pedal for years.

It’s very impressive the way it makes the sound beefier, more alive.
So far I’ve only tested it with a stupid pattern on my MD. I love what it does to the sound.

The most annoying thing to me (for using the GenLoss2 with beats) is the latency, that adds a very audible delay (the doubling effect observed by Ricky Tinez).
I thus used a full wet signal but I can clearly hear the difference between the kick in the subwoofer and the FX chain output. It’s even more obvious on the hats.
So I guess I’ll have another Deco in the future… Or I’ll RTFM :expressionless:
Not found of the side jacks neither.
And where is my PSU?

But anyway, it’s definitely a keeper: such a high definition lofi pedal :rofl:

On low synths it should be nice. Can’t wait to be this evening for a proper session.


let us know if you learn more / feel different after RTFM, regarding that doubling effect. can that be altered/bypassed in some way or addressed in an update?

so fare I’m concerned this pedal won’t work well for my intended use, namely routing the entire mix through it for some final flavour/saturation/vhs mojo

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You can fully bypass the incoming signal, in which case you don’t have the doubling effect anymore.
But you can still hear the latency if you have another audio source.

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For my intended use I feel like the doubling effect isn’t a problem… in this example I put it last in my send chain after microcosm and BAM and since these effects already are quiet “late” and drifting.

My first thought was to put Gen2 in the beginning of the chain, I put it last here just to have a go at it without messing up my chain, but I must say that I quiet like it at end.


Just saying…

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Haha, thanks, although I already have proper cables, I was lazy and wanted to get on with jamming :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Mine just arrived in Portugal:)