Chase Bliss Generation Loss MKII

Actually I don’t have proper flats x😵

I’ll definitely get those!!
Looking for a Stereo ⇒ dual mono as well :slight_smile:

Edit: bingo!

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That could work, I cannot use those on the output though (since I’m going into TX-6) but from BAM to Gen Loss that would be perfect

I was #54 ended up with unit #099

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I ordered a Kinotone Ribbons on Monday (I know, what am I doing!) looks like that will arrive before my Generation Loss

Nice to hear, also intend to put it at the end: Microcosm -> Specular Tempus -> Generation Loss. Audio snippets are welcome!

mine has been stuck at “label created” status for three days now. not sure which is a worse hell for the recipient…


For those looking for an order number update on the North American side, “Order #3498 Shipped” as of this morning.

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~100 units to go until me!

Yeah I thought it would be best at the front, but can see using it either ways. I think when its at the end its effects are more noticeable, particularly if you have a lot of other fx changing the sound. When its earlier in the chain it can be more subtle

Will be reamping tracks w/ this in Ableton this weekend. So far it sounds great on Guitar, Bass, and my SH-09


It has a line level setting, so you may not need the reamp box.


Interesting, I’ll try it w/ and w/o.

for reamping, a dedicated box usually works best for instrument tone.

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Well this box is almost too easy to love. I’m almost overwhelmed with all the ideas it’s giving me.


Mine finally shipped! US #36xx, for anyone keeping track.

Looking forward to next week :smiley:

First recording with the MKII - I love this kit already, more than I though I would, and I thought I would love it quite a lot -


I’ve got confirmation of shipping (UK order #64)


I love mine too, it’s amazing what it doesn’t to beats and synths.
I actually feel like I should take some time to sample single hits just to get this magic inside my samplers.


That’s great news. I’m #137 and I’ve literally spent the last week clicking on every spam shipping email in my inbox in a desperate hope that one of them was genuine.