Chase Bliss & Meris CXM 1978 - a reverb, that is

I hear it. I never get that. Sounds like you’re overloading it. I only use line sources so I have a lot of control over the output volume of my source, which might explain why this doesn’t happen to me.

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I don’t think its overloading cause its only audible when i slide the mix fader down and up again.

But you know this?

Are you in balanced mode or normal out of interest?

I read someone on a forum say its normal, but i also hear several others say that they dont have it. Seems strange to me, I will contact chase bliss!

There’s a lot going on when you work the Mix slider and at least the way I use it, it sometimes amplifies the signal because of all the swirls and whatnots going on. Maybe you’re just pushing it right over the edge as you tweak it?

Also, what’s the end output source here? You sure it’s not whatever’s monitoring the signal that’s clipping?

Appreciate the suggestions, but i’ve been doing this 10 years, and have many other pedals (oto bam, empress, strymon etc) that don’t exhibit this behaviour with the same sources and line levels.

This is not clipping due to overload. Its the slider. I will report back once i hear something from chase bliss!

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Ok, so I’ve gone from curious to attentive. I’m gonna follow this with interest. Appreciate you getting back when you hear from them.

Do you have this behavior with every settings (algos)? I’m doing some tests right now in unbalanced mode (red light) and TS cables. No clipping when moving the Mix slider.

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Yes in every mode; but less pronounced in hall mode.
And its not really clipping, more like a vinyl crackle, only while moving the mix slider/fader, and it seems to happen most frequently in the 0-40% range (but not exclusively).

Its not audible if you move the mix slider very fast, or extremely slow. everything in between, its clearly audible, and happens around 50% of the times.

The fact that it doesnt happen every time, and that you all say that you don’t have it, worries me a bit, especially since its a 1000 bucks, and I just bought it so its still under warranty…


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I can hear it with my Sony 7506s and the volume cranked on my mac. I couldn’t hear it on my small Bluetooth soundbar.

What I hear is obviously digital noise, but my brain categorizes it as pleasant and similar to vinyl crackle.

I usually play with headphones on, so that might partially explain it, but glad to hear I’m not the only one

In your example, I think it’s clear and present. I can hear it on any system I listen to, including my crap Macbook Air speakers.

Strange that I’ve never got this. I’ve use this pedal on every production since I got it. Not sure if this helps, but my use cases as far as wiring goes -

Synth into CXM - CXM into Blackbox sampler - monitor signal from sample and record.
CXM routed through SSL SiX cues - applied to all six channels.
Blackbox sampler Output 2 (Eurorack level) into CXM - CXM back into Blackbox sampler - monitoring signal from Blackbox sampler Output 3

I think that’s about it. No sound card or stuff involved, no pre-amps or anything.

I have my CXM on a send of my Six. I was sending some aggressive synth lines to it last night and could not reproduce this crackling sound. I was moving the mix fader quite fast and slow, even sent an lfo to it. I only got crackling in my unit when I really drive the send signal and overload the pedal input.

thanks for the input guys

OK…talk me down.

Was trying to buy the Red Panda Context V2 to save $$$$.

Problem #1 - I love the OTO Bam more. It’s awesome.

So I was going to buy one…then…I was pulled away…to CXM 1978.
It’s too damn expensive, but I love the sound. I notice the mix fader crackle and still drawn in.

I should buy the Context V2.
or the Bam…
not the CXM 1978…riiiiiight?

I have a Golden Reverberator (with what seems like a firmware issue) and love it otherwise. I need two awesome and vibey stereo verbs. I like the old rack sounds.

I have major indecision.

I’d say that you almost can’t go wrong with any of those choices (or also the Meris Mercury7). They’re all really nice reverbs. You should probably just pick the one that meets at the intersection of your budget, your space constraints, and your taste. I’ve had the Mercury7, the Context V2 and I liked them both. Of course, I am now down to a Microverb 2. Starting to get the itch for an upgrade, but it cost me $50, I leave it on “Large 4” and never have to worry about it.


I sold my Mercury 7 and replaced it with an Eventide Blackhole. I’m much happier with the Blackhole.

But coincidentally I’ve been going back over old Strymon BigSky demos and I actually prefer the sound of it to all of the newer pedals, including the CXM 1978. It’s interesting how we can all get caught up with the latest gear. Of course it is subjective, but time and experience has a way of putting things into perspective and personal context.


For what it’s worth, I thought the 1978 was really overpriced. I got one just to comp against my Mercury7 to convince myself I didn’t need it. The plan was to then sell it and get a Bam.

Instead I’ve kept the 1978 and sold the Mercury7 along with most of my other verbs. The sound is actually super comparable to the Mercury7 (there are examples up-thread somewhere), but the hands-on shaping of the tails that you can do with the 1978 is a different world. And unique outside of the original lexicon remote, I think? Or at least among the current gen of reverbs. And makes it worth the price. IMHO and all that.

So if you’re happy with your Golden and looking for a different sound, go for a Bam or a Mercury7 or whatever. But if you’re looking for a different way to control and to play your reverb, the 1978 is not a crazy pick.

And I don’t know what this is about a mix fader crackle. I’ve never heard that from mine.


I really enjoy the Golden’s 224 mode and the bass/mid/treble knobs. It lacks the crossover, but still love it. Leaning toward the CXM. My cheap side says Context V2.

I will probably still want a Bam after the CXM, but will forever resist at that stage.

Speaking of, here’s it doing some work on a piano patch off the A4. On one hand it just sounds like modulated reverb. On the other, I tried a bunch of verbs that just didn’t fit right with this, and the 1978 let me dial in something I’m happy with.