Cheesy instruments Live Mastering Chain

Hi all,
After a long time owning this machine i thought it was time to make topic about it. After searching for a full mastering chain for live use and after stimming’s pricy chain i figured out that i was going to order one from my local brand cheesy instruments. The all analog mastering chain has these in order:

compressor -> preamp -> tape saturation -> 2 band eq -> limiter -> balanced out

All stereo and works like a charm. İ used it on several live preformances. İt glues up the sound amazingly and i get a very healthy sound at the db i want. You can check out from Cheesy’s instagram link and order from him. Sorry for no videos and sounds for the moment i will be uploading as soon as possible. İ’m open for any questions and recomendations.
Thanks :heart:

Price: 200 $ w/o shipping


Is he selling this mastering box? I looked at his shop and he has several other pedals and things for sale, but not this.

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Yes He is actually. i’m waiting for his response on the price :pray:t2:

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Excellent :0)

The price is 200$ w/o shipping :fire: I guess you can contact him via insta and Mail :pray:t2:


Dammit, where is the european equivalent? I would have to pay more for shipping and taxes than for the pedal itself…

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He’s based in Turkey, so suspect shipping won’t be that steep to Europe. Alternatively, maybe take a weekend break in Istanbul on a budget airline and pick one up whilst you are there. The Turkish Lira is so weak at the moment must be some hotel bargains to be had!

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That’s a lot of analog functions for $200!


If this holds what is promised here, this will be interesting. Really looking forward to hearing what it does and what components/architecture is in it.

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As i know him He is experienced with shipping to europe but it would be amazing for anyone to come. You’re always welcome :pray:t2:

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Yes it does! İm going to make a video about it soon :ok_hand:

You might skip the taxes probably😉

How on earth can he make it so cheaply?

Çok güzel aman aman! I love Turkey, it is not really my thing to take a plane for the week end though so i might contact the guy and see for an order.
God i miss simits, that’s even my FB profile picture :wink:

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How does it react to heavy bass content in a mix? Got some sound examples?

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İts is very good in the lows. I have made some heavy tests for the bass sounds and it is very very clear and clean. There will be sound examples.


Would love to see and here some demos of this.

Looks very nice.

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Also ordered one :). At this price it’s a complete bargain if it indeed sounds great. WIll stick this on the bottom of my live setup as a set and forget mastering chain and then use Heat together with Digitone for creative live use. Will take some time before it arrives but I’ll try to make some sound examples as well.


Yes, please let us know how your experiences are!

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Happy to hear that @DaveMech ! Yes it is better to use it as a set and forget box rather than constantly changing the knobs, it is kind of a character adding box at the same time. The only downside is that the eq knobs don’t have any lines on it to check if they are at 0 or +/- but i will be going to his studio this week to sort that out👌 İt is very usefull in studio use aswell, overcompressing drums and stuff in analog is very fun. i Even tried some unmastered tracks on it if i could master real time with it and it Works very good but needs very much work and practice to do it correctly because working in fully analog processing is crazy after being used to the digital workflow. Would there be anything on your mind to add @DaveMech ? İ had a vision of making an mk2 version of it where you could change the routing of all units on it but is a very long shot not happening in the near future :smiley:

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