Cheesy instruments Live Mastering Chain

Anyone received/tested theirs yet?


I received news that my unit is ready and now I am waiting for the shipment confirmation.

I am really curious because it looks awesome and if it does what it promises it would be a great addition to the live rig.

It is also worth noting that he added a headphone monitoring output to the device so I can really put it at the end of the chain and hear the signal that goes to the PA.


Any feedback?

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When did you order? I’m still waiting :man_shrugging:t3:


I received my unit about two weeks ago after being stuck at customs for almost one month. I ordered in April so it did take some time to arrive.

Unfortunately one of the switches (pre-gain) broke during transport even though it was packed carefully. Might be a faulty connector and at the moment there is no sound coming through. I am not tempted in sending it back for repair due to the troublesome customs procedures here in Belgium. I received a video of the unit fully working so it happened in transit.

I am not the electronics wizard but luckily a good friend is and he will completely check the connections and the board. He will try to repair the broken switch after which I can hopefully start testing the unit. I will post his findings after checking everything here and also my own findings when I hook it up to some analog equipment.

How is the progress on yours? He communicated openly on the progress via DM on Instagram so you might want to check there.


That’s unfortunate. Hope it can be fixed easily!

Yeah I spoke to him a few times. Over a month ago my unit was almost ready he said though. Also ordered early April. He told me he got a lot of orders so I guess he’s a bit overwhelmed. Not in a hurry for this one, but still curious to check it out. Just send him a message again.

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Ok, short update on this thread since it has been already six months since this device surfaced.

I received the unit after a very long wait (first some time off of the maker after his wedding and then an eternity in transit and at customs offices to clear it into the EU). Prior to shipping Çam had sent me a 1-minute video of the unit working its magic and that sounded promising.

Unfortunately the unit arrived damaged: packing it in an envelope did not really help in keeping things secure. The on/off switch for the pre-gain was broken and no sound came in or was going through the device.

I gave it to a good friend of mine who is an electronics professional. He quickly checked it (electronically) and he fixed the faulty switch. He had no idea what the box was supposed to do and when retrieving the unit we tried a demo by connecting a Roland TR8S… Still nothing but noise and it really sounded like bad wiring.

I am thinking the unit received some hammering from our friends at customs that (at least) caused some bad connections bit that is my unprofessional opinion.

I am at this point a bit contemplating on next steps because shipping it back for repairs and then importing it back will be a b**** with regards to costs and customs administration and I could buy an Analog Heat with that cash ( which I will probably do anyways after watching that great video by @DaveMech explaining his mastering with the AH). I already sent Çam this input and am awaiting his response.

I will probably hand it back over to my friend if he has the interest of looking into it as a side project. Hopefully other people who are in the queue are more lucky in receiving a working unit but I will do some demo and comparison when (if I ever) get it up and running.



Oh boy.

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Small update

I’ve been told for more than four months that my unit is almost ready to ship and that he’d contact me soon. 5th of October he was waiting for the enclosure and when that arrived my unit would be ready. A month later still nothing and apparently he was overwhelmed with orders. And so far still no news.

My patience is kind of running thin right now and I kinda lost faith in the whole thing. It should be as simple as finishing builds from half a year ago before taking on new projects imho.

I contacted him again just now as there’s no indication or communication coming from his side unfortunately.

Must admit I regret ordering one at this point. I respect anyone’s personal situations but at some point a person needs to either conclude he cannot deliver and cancel the order, or stop taking in new orders until previous ones are finished.


That sucks. If he can’t handle it by himself he should hire assistance.

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Laughs in Avalon.

I was thinking of getting this thread reactivated to hear if others had received their units. It is very unfortunate to read that things aren’t as positive as they first seemed.

On my side nothing new either. I did get a reply to send over some video of the unit and the noise it is making but I am moving house so I don’t have my speakers and/or audio interface available. I am reluctant to hand it over to my buddy because I don’t know how much time he needs to spend to dive in and do a full diagnostic on this thing. I know he will want to make the best of it but as there are no schematics it is more or less a reverse engineering project that could take ages to figure out.

When my studio is back up I will send that video and hopefully I will get some answers as to what specific item is defective and figure out how to repair. Like I said, I did receive a video of the unit in working condition and really heard promising results so I am still hoping to get it up and running at some point. @DaveMech Let’s hope he is troubleshooting the device and you are getting the mk2 version.


Bumping this up out of curiosity. Anyone have any updates? @Daflex2020 @DaveMech

Was very excited to hear some reviews of this thing, but seems like very few people have gotten even close to having one yet.

Never got it. And his account on instagram is gone. So basically stole my money.
Pretty unfortunate

I can imagine he’s in a bad place right now though with everything that happened in turkey. But before that he kept promising to send it within a week or two and never did.


Damn. This is a bummer to hear @DaveMech. Has anyone made contact with this guy recently? Hopefully you can get refunded.


Thanks for responding. That is quite unfortunate and sorry to hear you’re currently ghosted. There was clearly a market and interest for it. Let’s hope he makes good eventually on the refund or project.


Perhaps @sseemmii can shed some light - he seemed to know the guy? And seems to be the only one to have got a working box out of him!

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Hi, dude i’m really sorry to hear that happened i know the guy but it has been a while since spoke to him and we mostly spoke about this thread and people waiting for him. Anyway thats really sad. İ knew he slowed stuff down and went back to his daily job after things didn’t go well with the brand. Let me try to reach him.


Hey guys i will try to make contact and have some answers tonight.


TBH one would understand why it went bad if that’s the way he works with his customers… Too bad there’s a real market to take here.