Chompi Kickstarter

Well… the current production model has the option to run on 5AA batteries. However, due to their overall performance and function… we are wondering if we shouldn’t just “strike” the battery option and focus on offering an external USB power bank (which would vastly improve both performance and usability. Are there any feelings about this from you all? Would you rather have a bulkier unit w/ AA batteries (max 1-2hrs battery life) or would you rather a more streamlined unit and stick to external power banks for mobile use?

You might know this but wobbly knobs are not necessarily a sign of bad quality. Bastl Instruments knobs had a lot of wobble but they are of very high quality (got that info from Václav in person). I forgot the technical details bit what he said made a lot of sense :smiley_cat:


Presumably if there is space for 5 AAs you could fit a lithium battery in there then charge it via the USB-C port. Personally I’d get fed up with changing batteries and I don’t like adding a power bank as it feels inelegant and steers away from portability and design.

The other devices that I think of that implement this perfectly are the OP-1, Deluge and M8 Tracker. I’ve owned all three and can’t fault any of them for their use of internal rechargeable batteries. It ultimately boosts productivity by providing ease of use.


I find myself drawn to battery-powered devices more than USB/mains-powered ones.
One of the reasons I love my TR-6S so much is that it takes four AA batteries, which don’t really drain much when it’s switched off.
So I can always just pick up that box and go. All I need are a pair of headphones.
It lasts 5–6 hours, and I always have a spare set of charged Eneloops at hand as well. If the batteries do run down, I’m up and running again in 30s.

With my Elektron boxes I’m either stuck at a desk, have to move one of the power adapters, or am tethered to a USB power bank.
It’s always a bit of a mess, and is never quite so spontaneous due to the setup involved.

But 1–2 hours is not very long for five AA batteries.
I think I’d still prefer an internal battery of some sort (whether AA or Li-Ion) but I’m not sure if that’s worth it.
It wasn’t very clear from the pictures, but it seemed like you might also have to unscrew a panel to replace the batteries? (or does the back panel snap off?)
That would kill it for me, especially if it’s only going to last 1–2 hours.

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If the option was between AAs and USB power I’d take the USB.

I’d prefer a built in battery that can charge though.


Great, thanks very much!

Yes – I play in a band focussing on outdoor gigs, and if I have to schlepp around another item like a powerbank to power an instrument, I’ll leave that instrument at home. I’d much much rather have a built-in lithium battery chargable via the USB-C, as suggested by @snakegoat! :slight_smile:


I know you probably don’t want to integrate a lithium battery because of all the shipping nightmares it causes. Have you considered putting in a place where users can install a battery? Either an internal compartment that will fit a few different readily accessible USB batteries (less compact), or something like what Retrofits did for the RK008, where there’s a spot for an older cellphone-style battery cell? Another option would be lithium 18650s. Either way, they should get you real battery life for your users without having to ship batteries.


The deluge op1 and m8 opz circuit tracks t8 etc are definitely my favorite kind of portable devices.

Love an internal battery that can be charged but I don’t know what the cons are (I guess shipping as stated above?)

It’d be pretty easy to 3D print a battery holder that would fit in the space in the handle, and tailor it to fit a specific size battery.

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I’d just like to declare that I hate batteries!!!

That is all. :wink:


It would seriously limit my interest if it couldn’t run on batteries.


Oh I get the need for the option. I use batteries in the SQ-1 for example. I just hate them.

appears to be 499 kickstarter price…
still a teeny bit steep but it does look like a fun box!

I really should read the whole thread before
starting to comment! Ha!
It seems this was already answered!

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I think this looks great and I really like the approach you have taken to an immediate and creative workflow. Yes, the price does seem high, but when you factor in the ability to load different firmwares, it starts to make more sense.

I have a couple questions, and I’ll try to be succinct.

  1. Are there options for different scales for the sample on the keys?

  2. is the sampler always available/ on-board despite the firmware installed? In other words if the firmware is, say, a wavetable synth, can a user still use the pcm style sampler you used in your demo?

  3. Similar to key mapping you demo-ed is there an auto slice function?

  4. Can the motion of transport knob be automated for a performance style groove-ish-ness or just getting weird.

  5. Speaking of getting weird, is there any automation, rachets or L.F.O style modulation for individual sampled notes or to be applied to the effects or the looper?

  6. Is it possible to load samples from the SD card or is the SD card merely for printing samples and looper tracks? If so, how is that navigated within your screenless layout ( which I really like p.s.)

  7. The tape saturation sounded great, since you are pitching this as tape style looping do you also offer other tape style effects such as wow and flutter, random vibrato… that whole rabbit hole? And do you have a bit crusher?

  8. lastly, what are the specs on your pre-amp? Is it available for both the line- in and the mic ? The samples sounded very nice via the mic- impressive.

I have more questions, but I will spare you, sorry, once I started they just kept coming. I am seriously considering this as a gift for my daughter ( and maybe one for dad, too, cash flow depending).

Thank you- love the work flow from what I’ve seen so far.

i would prefer the non batteries version

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This would be my vote. The size of the device should have a battery. Find a standard rechargeable battery pack and let buyers decide to add it. Support usb-c power and charging of an internal battery. I wouldn’t be interested in this if I need an external battery.

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Same, the whole concept of the device screams battery power.


Haha, from the postings, it looked like the Kickstarter already started :cowboy_hat_face:

Definitely. After looking at this thread for a while it looks as if no one can really put a finger on where this product fits in and what gap it is supposed to be filling in the market. There are plenty of non portable desktop devices that offer similar features so it does seem that battery power is the only thing that would set it apart from most.

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needs an internal lipo imo. personally I’m not into AA’s considering you say battery life wasn’t great.

price is a bit high for me. sounds great tho.

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