Circuitghost - new EP - That Which Remained (a sequel to All That We Lost)

Another EP, for anyone and everyone really, but if you enjoyed All That We Lost, this one might be for you.

It’s a kind of closure and an idea that there’s always a tomorrow, for most of us. I hope you like it. It concludes some kind of journey I’ve been on for some time, and I’m not sure where I’ll go from here. But I’m happy that I’ve met people here in place, who’s been part of my travels.

Anyway -


These albums are always over too soon ! Fortunately, I can just hit play again ! Thanks for sharing, it’s great. Any prophet 5 going on here?


Great job on this. I’m really feeling Drifts, particularly. While most of the other tracks have that Brian Eno affect of receding into the background, Drifts keeps me paying attention. It’s more of an active listening type of ambient- very colorful and subtly psychedelic.

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Thank you for saying :slight_smile: that is very kind of you. Not much 5 happening here, I’m sticking mostly to the same tricks I used on All That We Lost, with two exceptions - all the drones and ambience from Little Strings are from the Prophet 5, but that’s the only track that use the 5. Rest are Prophet 12. Also, all tracks use the Chase Bliss CXM 1978 on the master, for widening the room and adding a veeery subtle, space delay effect. When you tweak it right, the reverb sort of bounces around and creates a delay that reminds me of the Tonal Recall character, actually.


Thank you :slight_smile: yeah, that’s the one that stuck out to me the most when I made these, as well. I made a few more of that kind, but the rest just ended up on the wrong side of what I wanted this to be. The drums are actually from the Tempest, a loop from the Tempest using the Beat FX to great effect and then slicing that up and triggering random sections from it, using the Blackbox Random Slice function.

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A nice surprise to wake up to see new Circuitghost EP
Lovely stuff (again).

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Thank you, that’s very nice of you to say :heartpulse: I’d like to say I’m full of surprises, but I’m really quite boring in real life so that just wouldn’t be true :slight_smile:

I really like this direction you’ve taken here…


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Very nice! Thank you!

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Thank you :heartpulse: it’s much appreciated.

I don’t quite know where to go from here, so for now, I’ve actually put my entire rig in storage. Not that I intend to sell it or not use it for some time, but just wipe the slate clean and see where it’s aching the most, when nothing’s within reach.


Thank you for listening and saying :pray:

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That sounds like that you could share some experiences here too: New experiment: Only one device for four weeks, then switch to the next - #14 by Thoow

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Ah, cool thread. If I decide to go this route, I’ll certainly pop by and share my journey.

Superb. Great work.

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Lovely follow-up. The use of the P12 again throughout gives a consistent hazy quality that is quite recognizable. Also an interesting use of field recordings, they sound like a familiar environment where things are happening, but you can’t quite distinguish what it is. Like a half-forgotten memory.


Thank you. That’s kind of the vibe I’m going for, a memory not exactly lost, but certainly from somewhere way back in time, where perhaps only fragments of the experience remain, as if it maybe never happened. I do all my field recordings with the Deluge. At first, a choice made because I had no other options. Then, I realised, the way the Deluge treats inbound recordings and applies its limiter in real time, makes up for a very specific character. I’m not done using the Deluge for this purpose yet.


Thank you for listening and for saying :pray: it’s very appreciated.

Tranquil and hypnotic. Sounds like some esoteric melody from Pink Floyd between the Wall and Momentary Lapse of Reason albums. Great use of the Blackbox, Deluge, and Prophet. I hear a bit of U2, Eno, and Lanois in there. Well done lad, well done!

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Thanks :pray: I have since Shine, listened to all that Lanois has produced, his own work and most of what he’s produced with other artists. You saying this, is beyond compliment, it’s the kind of stuff I could carry with me for weeks.

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There is only one problem with this EP, and a major one: it is too short :slight_smile:
Man, this music fills my mind with so much images and memories. Beautiful, emotional. Well done :open_hands: