Circuitghost's workflow with the blackbox

thanks so much. for this step, you use the SEQ mode “info” settings menu “midi ch. out”, correct? but i dont know where midi channel in for this specifically would be, aside from the TOOL info menu “keys” rec midi in or whatever? i think thats the confusing part

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Yep, turn on both pads and keys to accept midi messages. Then, work backwards, depending on what you want to accomplish, maybe you want to turn off pads or keys (but not both :D) .

But I can’t stress enough that you must have a sample loaded and have that sample selected. It’s not enough that you got one loaded. You also need to have it actively selected.

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i appreciate the help, thanks a lot

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No worries, mate :slight_smile: you’ll get there, the blackbox can do what you want it to do. Midi part’s a bit all over the place, but for a good reason which you’ll come to terms with once you gel with it.

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Oh, for sure.

In that aspect, the Song mode is the great unsung hero of the blackbox, and also the one that’s received the least love from 1010. But at its heart, it has the potential of Akai Force / Ableton kind of awesomeness and is already closer to that point that one might think. But its abstract interface and limited feature set hide the depths that are already there.


I’ve just tried this out. I’m on 2.1.3 firmware… Got it working all OK! thank you @circuitghost

But I just re-tried this on a new PSET. No samples loaded. Tool>MIDIn>MIDI pads and Keys set to None. New Sequence, set to MIDI - Info>MIDI out ch1 - everything works, so no need for a sample to be load at all?! I don’t get how this is working, maybe I’m doing something wrong and by chance it works? I’m using a Prophet 5 over USB

EDIT, now it doesn’t work until I’ve set MIDI Keys to CH1 ?! But, still no sample loaded.

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I seem to remember something about a revamp for midi-only tracks that was associated with a big firmware update, maybe 2.0. Perhaps what you’ve found was part of that.

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Sometimes, it just doesn’t work and a reset or two resolves it. It does seem that the connection just doesn’t click sometimes. Like an old USB interface.

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Same with Midi DIN to trs? (As opposed to ISB MIDI).

I got this all working again and then it just stopped. Again.

Man, I seem to be plagued with little bugs like this with everything I do. Logic has been driving me mental. Prophet 5 USB Midi just stops working and needs the cable to be pulled out and back in. Starting to think I just need to ditch midi and record audio and be done.

(Not digging at any one piece of gear, it could all VERY well me user error).

In my experience, yes.

I think there’s some consistency to it. I just haven’t figured it out.

But overall, it hasn’t caused me more trouble than most technology does from time to time. And it’s stable so it’s never stopped working. Only sometimes, some issues getting the engine going, at first. But it’s rare.

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Thanks again @circuitghost It was good to hear there are odd things happening now and again for others. It made me persevere… Starting to see the light!

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im sorry to keep this focused on the midi recording discussion, because i really am more interested in the details of your workflow and what you’ve learned from it…

but now trying this again, it does work - except im getting weird notes recorded. like a note will be held too long most of the time and it doesnt seem completely accurate. im wondering if there’s a specific mono or poly setting specifically for midi grid recording? it doesnt seem like pad mono/poly would be relevant in this case

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Hmm, not to my knowledge. Sounds like the input’s unstable somehow. Once you get it working, it should be a smooth experience.

What’s your controller?

launchpad pro (mk2?) the one before mk3, via trs 5 pin midi w/1010 adapter

seems like a weird thing specific to my setup. i’ll figure it out eventually

i dont think its a launch mode “gate” vs “toggle” issue, but it may be. pretty sure i tried it last night and it didn’t work but i’ll double check the behavior after reboot.

i think you mentioned this before, but rebooting fixes a lot of things with the blackbox

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Sounds like there’s something with the note on / off messaging not always going through. 1010’s got great support, check in with them :slightly_smiling_face:

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Also, quick question - which mono cable do you use to route the P5 into the Blackbox? I have a ton of 1010 stereo cables (1/4 and 1/8) for my Bluebox, but those obv won’t help me with the P5

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Hey, I use one of these from the Prophet 5 into the blackbox. Also use this from my Chase Bliss mono pedals into the bbox -


ah! it was the Pad “Launch” mode issue. you have to put it in gate mode, which has already been stated here. user error, sorry about that

but man, this is so great. still more satisfying than a daw piano roll. i love this little box. perfect portable song making machine

thanks @circuitghost for all of your praise of the blackbox, otherwise i probably would have never tried it. i love this thing

this is redundant, but just to clarify for the sake of documenting the process that worked for me:

  1. TOOLS>Info>MidiIn>“Midi Keys” = Ch. 1 (launchpad pro incoming midi)
  2. PADS>Info>Conf>“Launch Mode” = Gate or Trigger (this pad was set to ‘Sample’, not ‘Clip’ type. if that matters) while selected pad is highlighted (Trigger Launch Mode may work better than Gate)
  3. On that same Pad, Record short meaningless sample, go to MIX > Info + touch that Pad to Mute the sample
  4. SEQS>Select Sequence block>Info>change top left “Pads” mode to “Midi”>press Info again>“Midi Out” = Ch. 14 (my synth)
  5. With the Pad & the Seq highlighted, from SEQS (or Seqs Info - Midi Piano Roll) view, press REC+PLAY

after that, you can obviously record that sequenced synth audio while the midi sequence is still running, delete that midi seq from Seqs page, then record another one. and on and on. such a good workflow


Thank you!

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Very cool idea to take this route. I’m going to give it a go. The plan was to record and design loops and atmospheres for my live setup but initially I thought recording into a DAW and then brining it into BB. But yeah this makes a lot more sense :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing !

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