Circuitghost's workflow with the blackbox

Really looking forward to that :blush: always loved your style and I would imagine the blackbox has stuff going on that’ll fit your vibe quite nicely.

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One follow-up question, is that 1/4 ts to 1/8 ts or 1/4 ts to 1/8 trs?


:slight_smile: :point_up_2: @joeykaram

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What would be the benefits/differences of using the blackbox for this workflow, compared to the octatrack?

Must say I like the idea of using the blackbox for this. But could the OT do the same just as easy?


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Yes, in terms of functional workflow, the OT can be used like this as well.

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The only real difference is that blackbox will leave you with more tracks and a better overview and maybe a nicer reverb.


Yeah. I mean, in practice, the OT and blackbox don’t compare. I left the OT for the blackbox and while the OT got tricks that make we want it back sometimes, I never finished stuff on the OT. I have finished volumes on the blackbox.

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Thanks for sharing your workflow! One question: where do you keep all your raw recordings? Do you have a special project to keep them?

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I’d love a video walkthrough too. Basically making a song from scratch using all those tricks. Where are you located? Maybe another user could help out with the production? I’d happily do so. I’m based in Berlin.


Not really, they’re all stored in a folder structure with their respective songs, with the exception of a bunch of one shots I keep in their own folder, and some general field recordings.

My sample and recording library is quite small and I delete almost everything I don’t use while I’m writing something new.

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Thanks for the offer :slightly_smiling_face: I’m in Gothenburg so that’s at least a temporary no-go :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks. Makes sense.

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I reuse a lot as well. Especially the Prophet 5 material seems to lend itself to lots of different tracks. I got three or four loops I recorded first week with my 5 through the Chase Bliss Mood, that I use in various ways in different tracks.

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@circuitghost Probably seems like a random question, but when you use your pedals do you tend to chain them, or use one and then resample and use another, then resample etc?


Hey, not random at all :slightly_smiling_face: no chaining. One pedal, then I’m done. Two or more tends to overprocess things in my case.


Many thanks

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How many samples can you work with in a song? Can each pattern have its own set of samples?

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Yes and no.

16 samples in total per project. Patterns aren’t tied to samples, so you can have any pattern trigger as many samples as CPU allows.

Each sample can be as long as the streaming from the SD card allows, though, so you can create sample chains and slices that use longer files in clever ways. That approach is a bit messy, but it works.

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You can load a folder of samples as multi samples and trigger them via individual notes. They will share filter, pitch and envelope settings though.

The BB can hold maximum 80 samples at once. If you carefully prepare folders with samples in them you can share those between the 16 “pads”.

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