Cirklon : how to?

Cirklon is a real master mind sequencer.
Very capable, but needs many experimentations, try and fail procedures.

I don’t think there is a specific thread on Elektronauts to discuss about Cirklon knowledge and tutorials.

So i ask to community the following question :

Is it possible to make isorhythms with Cirklon ?


Are you aware of the Sequentix forum at:

That might provide a more focused and knowledgeable community to address your questions.

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Thanks, already done, but no answers
That’s why i asked here.

Here, the exchanges i had on Sequentix forum, if it could help…

Me :
I try few things, but nothing convincing.
The main problem is that the melodie is shifting along thes gates.
I don’t want to write all the pattern, but use Auxes to realise the isorhythm. Program it once and let it play.
First i tryed with user scales and accumulator rel.
But i find that it was not efficient. User scale is not the key.

The problem is not coming from the notes, but from accumulators. They have to change on each gate on each occurrence of the pattern until the initial position is reach. The number of time the pattern is played before reaching initial position vary in fonction of the gates numbers relatively to notes number. At each time each gates see it’s accumulator change. But it’s very complicated to

Grab from another pattern is not efficient, because of the same cause : notes Shifting. The two pattern won’t have the same number of steps.
Since we cannot dissociate gates and scale, mainly gates cannot take successively in a pool of notes, i think that Cirklon cannot produce such isorhythm, except for few little cases of corresponding mult or div between notes and gates.

Answer :
I think the problem is that you’re not looking only for isorhythm but for an algorithmically generated way of applying an isorhythm to any other pattern. That is not, at least obviously, possible. I’ve suggested a way you can compose with isorhythms - but if that’s not suitable, then what you’re looking for is not technically sequencing but algorithmic generation. While the Cirklon has some algorithmic potential in the accumulators, auxes, and cross-track interaction, it’s not really an algorithmic generator, and I suggest that you may be going about this using the wrong tool for the job.

What it sounds like you want is to have a tone row and then to play from that tone row with a rhythm row which effectively “steps” the tone row every time it plays a new note, and to then let them phase against each other, or switch one out for the other independently, yes?

I think someone else has been asking to use one pattern to gate or step another pattern. If that feature gets added, it might do what you’re looking for here.

Me :
To eliminate any doubt, because i’m not sure being clear enough, here’s an example of what i was atempting to do :
my set of notes C E G A B
My rhythm pattern x…x.x. (last step 7)
first occurence : C…E.G.
Then A…B.C.
… E…G.A.
… B…C.E.
… G…A.B.
Then first row again and so on.
I try with two initial approach :

  1. original pattern with C…E.G, then applying various accumulators, but problem with the fact that i must change them on each occurence with various values
  2. original pattern with C…C.C., then applying various accumulators, with same problem.

So now, i must admit you are right.
The only way to obtain this woud be to write the whole pattern, thing i try to avoid, because if it’s easily doable with short patterns and few notes, it will be less confortable with long patterns and large amount of notes.
i don’t think that hardware sequencer is able to produce such programmation. The only way would be to go with computer and i was trying to avoid that.

I think your conclusion here is correct. I know of no current hardware sequencer that would allow you to do what you describe (as far as I understand it). I gave up my Cirklon and have moved on to a Squarp Hapax and Oxi One, both of which have their strengths. The Hapax has some interesting algorithmic possibilities and I’d love to see this develop further but right now I think to accomplish what you want you’d have to do this “in the box”.

That’s not to say that if you were clever you couldn’t develop your own RPi based hardware tool that would facilitate this, but I don’t think there’s anything existing today in hardware form that has this flexibility. If there is a hardware sequencer out there that has this level of flexibility I’d certainly like to know about it!


If I understand correctly: you have a round robin on a set of notes that plays along the same rhythmic pattern, both having different lengths.
You need something that will shift to the next note value each time a new note is played. :thinking:

Wouldn’t modular be the right place to look for this?

Damn, I need to learn the Cirklon ways…

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I’m searching, cause now i’m begening to understand modular, so i may find a solution. But this problem need a bit of thinking, and i just began

To be honest, I was very happy to see this “how to Cirklon” title.
Cause I haven’t spend enough time with mine to master it, or even being as comfortable as with my Elektron gear.

But the bar is already too high for me ^^

Lot of pleasure, once having understand the Auxes. I’m in the entrance of the doom

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You can do something similar to what you want with the squarp hapax. You can algorithmically generate a sequence of notes (or program it) of whatever length you want like your CEGAB. Then use the Euclidean effect on that track. For example if you had 4 steps and 3 pulses and rotated it to be X_XX then it would play notes from the track in that rhythmic pattern. You can choose note length and gate value in the Euclidean effect options as well.

I do this all the time and it is a great way to perform a sequence live. You can change the number of steps and pulses and rotation while the sequence is playing and it sounds great. On top of this you can also combine the Euclid effect with other midi effects (like filters, chance, etc.), it is soooo powerful!


the splitradix tutorials go deep on different functions. he has several scattered throughout his youtube page.

as example… but full playlist is linked above.

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what if you had 6 patterns

pattern 1 for the rhythm and auxes and intertrack grabbing/swapping/pushing/etc.

then patterns 2-5 and just a 16 note bar of single notes on mute.

2 would be just C
3 would be just E
4 would be just G and so on.

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I’ve done this with TB03+TR06. Set the rhythm on one of the TB06 tracks that has a trig output, then set the required notes as a sequence on the TB03. Connect the trig out from the 06 to the trig in of the 03. Each pulse will then advance the sequencer one step.

I was very happy that this worked, since I’d been looking for something like that for years! It also works well on the SH01A (and SH101 for that matter).


Splitradix vids are my favorites youtube vids. Watch them all several times. Always discovering something knew.
This guy open my mind to Cirklon. He is my guide. I will be life grateful for his hard video works and his ability to transmit knowlegde.


I know that. I’m old pyra user (Pyramid n°26). Squarp Euclidian way dont cover my need.
All the thing is to program the notes shifting that involve isorhythm.

My advice (imho) :
The Cirklon can do things that no other sequencers can (obviously, with limits). But its capability needs ideas first, then trying to realise them. Very different from Elektron sequencer that are made to be played, then, while playing, ideas appears. If i can permit this shortcut presentation.

So, my second advice, forget Elektron devices few nights, this is not divorce case, take time to watch Splitradix vids. You will have a very good overview of the beast.

Then, when you have an idea that Elektron cannot achieve, go to Cirklon


Oh yes, that could be a solution. I will try as soon as i post this. Maybe adding an accumulator offset Aux D rel against the grab would achieve the trick. OK GO !


good luck! let me know how it goes :slight_smile:

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I am not sure whether I understood correctly what you seek to achieve, so please accept my apologies if I miss the point. From what I understood, this is extremely easy to achieve for example with the Torso T1 (and other euclidean sequencers as well, I guess): set length to 8 steps, place the 3 trigs, enter the four notes, set voicing style to monophonic ascending, play. (The example below - Torso, Implexus, Doctor A for reverb - took about 5 minutes to create.)

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OK try it.
The idea is good, but there is still a little problem.
The config :
The main track with the gates. Two auxes :

  1. Grab on aux d
  2. Offset aux d +1 after each note (on what else aux row).
    Limitation of accumulator d to 5 (number of notes) + rtz
    But, when accumulator reach 5 and then back to zero, that produce two times the first note of pattern.
    I will give another try as soon as possible.
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