Cirklon V2

Really wanting Sequentix to get their act together for V2 upgrade kits. Come on guys!

How do you get on the wait list these days?

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Join the Freemasons. :smirk:


shakes leg :leg:

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Ah it’s at the bottom of their webpage for it :eyes:
I’m on tha list :crazy_face:

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Uhg, I’ll keep my MIDIBox V4. I could build two V4+’s for that price with a set of Eurorack MIDIBox CV, gate, clock, and trig modules (give or take a few).

Or one with all the trimmings (BLM, TPD, Analog out, up to 32 CV, 12 MIDI out 4 in).

Plus waiting years? I’m sure it’s cool but that’s a long wait.

…approx 12 months to go :smiley:


Just passed 22 months, they can take 3 more years and I’d be fine, but will definitely be purchasing when my turn comes.


there’s one for sale over at MuffWiggler…

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Thanks! I see the add. I think I need a few months until I can get the ££. But a good price. I wonder how much the v2 upgrade costs

About 2/3 years on the waiting list for me.

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I got mine after 18m - was told was the first unit they shipped from Berlin after the move :+1:t3:

Honestly get on the list and forget about it. Then, one day out of the blue you’ll get an email from Barbara and it’ll feel twice as good!

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According to a forum post in June by Sequentix:

CK2 upgrade kits for the original model Cirklon will be available later this summer - sorry I don’t know a date for these yet.
Prices will be:
Part upgrade kit - 400€ (mainboard with display plus UI driver board.) The rear panel, LAN and USB cable could be added later.
Full upgrade kit - 500€ (mainboard with display, UI driver board, rear panel, LAN cable and USB cable.)

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dropped the price. $1950 but w/o the CVIO

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That’s what I said, almost 3 years ago :rofl:


Waited almost 3.5 years, but worth the wait.

Walked through the entire manual in 1-day which is extremely well written. It does things you wouldn’t think a sequencer could/should do like pull individual notes from other patterns into the sequence. Why is that useful? You could make a bassline on 1 pattern and build chords off of that onto another pattern. And those bass notes could be randomly generated and and everything could be forced to scale so everything is in key. That’s just one thing it does.

I wasn’t feeling the blue color scheme. As it turns out you can also change the colors on the screen to all white. If you read through the feature requests/suggestions in the forum Colin and Barbara are very active both will provide details as to what’s going on. I got Erica Synths black keys for mine and posted it. The shape is a little different and was asking where to find black keys in the stock shape. Not too long after Colin chimed in with info followed by Barbara letting us know she ordered black keys from the supplier for us. How cool is that! Sequentix rules!


awesome tune!

when did you get yours?

Thanks! My other vids show it driving more stuff.

Almost a month ago. Received confirmation on the waitlist May 10th, 2017. It’s changing everything about my setup. You know how everyone needs a 303? Everyone needs a Cirklon :alien:


I KNOW I need one. MAN…that awesome.

ya I can see a setup fully getting overhauled with one of those in the room.
I know I gotta be patient and have been. but I cant help but look forward to getting that email saying I’m next. :grimacing:

gonna check those vids.

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