Cirklon V2

I sent a request to be added to the Cirklon wait list last week. Nevertheless, I am 50/50 on whether I will proceed with the purchase when my number is next in queue.

In the meantime, I have plenty of sequencer options to keep me busy, and more will continue to enter the market over the course of the wait period.

You don’t have to take it when it comes up. There enough waiting on em. AND you could always hand off to someone in line :wink:

Heh, I dunno if that’s cool tho.


don’t worry. you have three years or so to make up your mind…


Electro folk! :joy::joy::joy:

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Very true.

Last week I found an inquiry e-mail I sent to Sequentix in 2015, but failed to put my name on the wait list. I am kicking myself because I more than likely would have a Cirklon in my studio at this time, as I had far less available options compare to now and probably would have proceeded with the purchase.

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heres some fairly new in depth videos that show a lot of stuff about the cirklon


Yeah, I’ve seen this guy’s videos and finally got around to watching them. I’d written off the Cirklon in the past, but seeing this guy operate plus finally cottoning on to the difference between P3 and CK sequences, I’m in. See you in three years.


Your number might be called by the time your number gets called?

I signed up anyway. Who knows what I’ll be doing in the next decade? I might want one and then I’ll have to wait.


Honestly - I’m seriously thinking of selling my V1 unit. I’m not using it for any of my projects.

I was in line and my turn came… then I realized I was not even exhausting the midi sequencing features of the Digitakt. 2000€ spared.


is there an evolution in the production quality or something from n°1 to latest manufacturerd model? There is one listed for around 2,8k€ which is number 8xx.

I wasn’t using mine as much this last year or so either. Then I added a BlackBox and suddenly I’m back to daily use and excitement.
For me, the reason I was losing interest was that I kept being drawn back to Logic and its fully-saved audio/MIDI environment. Logic songs from years ago load up and I can tweak them from exactly the same point. Now, with Cirklon driving the BlackBox, I have the same ability even though I have a constantly changing environment of hardware synths, effects, mixers etc…
Dunno if that helps you tho.


My time has been more limited than every recently (especially since becoming a councillor over the last couple of years), so I’m tending to work with systems which are most efficient for me. Since I’d almost always end up ITB, I now mostly use Ableton with a Push 2 for sequencing.

It’s really down to lack of time for me. :frowning:

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some of the early ones are different, but not in a “the hardware was crap” sorta way. it’s always been very well built. there were just a few differences with the I/O board on the rear of the unit. an older one, of course, may have been used much more than a newer one; and obviously pots and switches have a lifespan. but these are also all user-replaceable, without too much trouble (from my understanding).

2,8k€ isn’t awful if it has a CVIO board and BOB. otherwise, it’s a bit high… you’re paying for not waiting though, so it depends what that’s worth to you.

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2,8k € is much by paying at once, but if you consider to wait at least 2 years you can put aside each month 68 € and when it is your turn you have the needed amount. if you consider then not to order you have saved a good sum yourself at least :-). that was I have done .

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A post was split to a new topic: Selling on Elektronauts

i would if i had the ££

Cirklon is an amazing piece of gear and I hope they can start getting them out faster so Colin can focus mainly on the OS.

For anyone who wants one, it really only makes sense if you have a decent amount of hardware. And the thing is, IMO - the elektron sequencer is so good that I would still program my elektrons on their panels and let the Cirklon clock them.

That said, the Cirklon plays incredible with Eurorack and I also have not explored pattern switching elektron gear from the Cirklon, which could be amazing. Furthermore you can automate parameters on the elektron boxes and then do more of the same if you map CC’s on the Cirklon.

Of course when you have hardware synths and map CC’s to those in the Cirklon, things can really get going in a hurry since you can quickly build scenes that change and modulate and don’t sound like loops while you are composing. Having your synth parameters all there on one machine while you can quickly switch back and forth is super cool.

And on top of that, you can put something like a keystep 37 into the Cirklon, so you could play chords or arps on that and record into the Cirklon and further mess with the idea in there. Tons of options that way.

Cirklon made me a better music producer. It will take you away from your DAW if you want, and let you compose an entire track with your hardware and then just print into the DAW and be done. Pretty fantastic, but the learning curve is fairly high. It’s safe to say you should give yourself 1-2 weeks of dedicated learning but after that you can return to making tracks and learning the deeper stuff along the way.


agreed. if you’ve got just a handful of machines and want to grow your setup, it’s also good. if you’ve mainly got Elektron machines and not much else/don’t plan on expanding, just sequence with OT/DT/Ableton. I don’t sequence my Elektron boxes with it, but I know some do. it’s much easier with the Elektron boxes. maybe not quite as powerful, but plenty for what I want from them; and the ease of use/fun factor makes up for lack of power.

this is the only way I use my Cirklon with Elektron boxes. it’s not very difficult, and absolutely worth learning how to do. I want to be able to do mutes from the Cirklon as well (especially with the RYTM, where the arranger mode sucks, or the DN where there is none) but it’s fairly involved into NRPN world, and uuuuughh…

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Been on the waitlist for about 2 years now I think? Not complaining, figured my turn would come up sooner or later. That other thread asking if it’s really worth the $$$ really got me thinking if it’s worth it for me. If I had money to burn - absolutely! Unfortunately I probably won’t by the time my number comes up and will most likely turn it down; which is ok 'cos I don’t really need one, just kinda want to try one.

But then last night I had an epiphany. I should just build my own damned sequencer! Won’t be anywhere near as fancy as the Cirklon; but it really doesn’t need to be. Since I’m gonna be doing a f**kload of programming for uni over the next few years anyway, having my own personal embedded systems project to chip away would actually be an excellent learning experience.

tldr; Go Cirklon!!