Cirklon V2

Agree with all of this. I’ve had my Cirklon for 4 years and use it every day, it’s indispensable in my studio and the fact that I own one still excites me :slight_smile: … the recent splitradix videos will help your learning curve a lot, as will sitting down just with the Cirklon plus a simple synth with a speaker like the korg volca.


oh man the Volca Sample really came alive when I set up instruments in the Cirklon for it, with track values for each one, that can themselves be sequenced (parameter locks, basically). it’s great how it can bypass a simpler, more inferior sequencer and make the instrument come alive. (of course, you can do this with software as well, but hardware is more fun!)


Benjamin Damage did another lockdown set. can see the Cirklon better, but if you don’t have any familiarity with it, you’ll still be lost.


I sequence my Elektrons from my Cirklon, I don’t use their sequencers. Elektron boxes have excellent midi implementations. :slight_smile:


I’m desperately waiting for the ability to assign a midi channel to a row in CK patterns. Colin has hinted that this is something he is working on (apparently wants it for his own set up so :crossed_fingers:).
This would make sequencing the RYTM from the cirk a lot better. I’ve tried having a P3 track per RYTM channel, but it much nicer to programme drums on CKs.


however… you can’t mute individual rows in a CK pattern. it’s been requested; and maybe it’s something Colin will do if he allows midi channels for each row in CK’s…

but for now, if you have a drum beat going in a CK pattern and want to drop the snare/hats/whatever out, you need to make a new pattern. and obviously this makes it more tricky to jam by muting/un-muting individual instruments on the fly. I use P3’s to sequence drums, but the machines I’m sequencing (Acidlab boxes, and Vermona DRM) only respond to notes/velocity anyway. and swing is easier to get for one instrument this way.

Out of interest, what do you do about P-locking - if you do that sort of thing?

Tie the parameters to note velocity perhaps…?

you can essentially P-lock with the Cirklon. it’s not done 100% the same but you can set Track Values (CC’s) on any step either manually or by just recording knob turns.

here’s a what it looks like when you’re editing manually, one-by-one:

here’s the view when they’re recorded live:

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How’s the accuracy / timing though when doing that? If the gap between note on and controller data jitters, then you could have odd effects.

Although, I guess critical stuff could be tied to velocity?

I’ve not had issues with it, but I don’t sequence a large number of parameters this way. and I don’t sequence my Elektron machines (other than pattern change messages) from the Cirklon. fair question though.

It’s super tight. I’ve never experienced jitter with the cirklon when sequencing external gear( I have with the octatrack though)


That’s right, but not absolute. Three or two synths are enough to take the Cirklon to it’s fondamental core : Use AUXes and pattern programming.


I never use more than 4 or 5 synths anyway (usually one per port). I totally agree with @elenacortes. just make sure those couple of synths have good midi implementations.


I can’t find where it was but I swear someone here was looking for a the eurorack BoB recently… anyway, they have a handful of BoB’s and drum muxes available now.

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I was involved in that chat… and it seems like one of the mods has moved the discussion into nirvana :grinning:

This is a great overview of the Cirklon Auxes. It’s worthwhile viewing for anybody with a Cirklon, and also may be worth watching by those wondering what the Cirklons Auxes are all about. It’s over 3 hours long so it’s not for a quick skim…

Edit- I thought it would inbed the video, but obviously not…
Mod edit: just paste the link with nothing else on the line


Yeah, he’s been making some brilliant videos. They are all worth checking out if a cirklon user.


I do not have and do not intend to order one and I watch all of his videos.
(question of budget and patience, not that I denigrate the beast, far from it)


But 3,3 hours?!??
This guy likes a low pace…

All time stamped tho.
He has a soothing Irish accent and is pretty funny too so…