Cirklon V2

Without forgetting the superb sounds of space,
that he plays Fenix and GX1 !!! A jewelry from Youtube.

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The video is a guide and really help the manual reading.

I agree it seems ridiculous. but they’re great guides and honestly you don’t want to gobble them up all at once. you need to take bits and pieces and digest them, try them out with your Cirklon, then come back for more, etc. it’s basically the manual boiled down to video format, with examples of real-life scenarios and “this is why this is a really cool feature” sort of things.

besides, how many hours of tutorials did Cuckoo do for the OT?


Let me be clear: I am extremely grateful for such videos, that have the merit to be the only ones existing on the Internet.
The more the better.

I still have to watch this in its entirety, but I am convinced that all the points could have been made in 20 minutes.

Cuckoo is someone that really knows how to explain things, wish he had a Cirklon :smiley:

I mean… sure. you could skim through the Cirklon manual in 20 minutes too. but would you “get it?” likely not until using it yourself. and that’s basically what he’s doing with these videos.

you’re not wrong that he could trim 'em down some. but not as aggressively as you’re suggesting. at least, not for me.

The great thing about these videos is the relaxed pace and thoroughness. Even though I’ve been using Cirklon, like, forever, there’s always something Stephen mentions that I’ve overlooked, not touched in a decade, or forgotten completely. I used to make videos myself but they were poor, stoned and sketchy in comparison - now I don’t have to. Yay!


As much as I appreciate those kind of videos I wish they would show the trick first and do the long explain afterwards. Would make 90% of the viewers very happy, who know how to click buttons by just need the tip/idea/inspiration.
That’s like synth guys explain what a low pass filter is for 10 minutes and present the sound somewhere in between for 10 seconds.


These videos are a godsend, and unlike so many of these Internet personalities, I can actually stand to listen to this chap. Honestly can’t believe people are moaning about these in any shape or form. They’re the thorough deep dive the Cirklon deserves.


Well, sorry. I’ll get to the end of these 3,3 hours, at some point.



You can always watch the video at half the speed or twice the speed, it depends on which side you are. :innocent:

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These videos are excellent for learning this deep sequencer in parts. I have a cirklon since march and come back to his videos and watch them in parts while excercise it on the machine itself. This is some great way of learning the cirklon - for me. Never watch them in a row. this is not intended, as it is to learn a halfyear math course in a 24/7 week.

I finally got a reply from cirklon. I put my reservation in January 29 2018 and they said after the 2017 batch is done I will be next in line, woohoo



Question of taste :thinking:

Then thats me as well :slight_smile:

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Wow, seems a big jump from Oct 2017 orders I last read recently. I went on the waiting list 12 Mar 2018.

I went on the waiting list April 2019. A couple of weeks ago Barbara told me to expect it the first half of 2022.


So I guess 18 months went out the window. I joined the list December 2019, thought I would get an email right about now saying it’s my turn. Guess I’ll be waiting for awhile.


Feb of 2020. So, 2nd half of 2022 maybe…

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I have a v2 first half of next year, just heard from them. Not sure if ill buy it or not. Depends on my finances i guess. I signed up in late 2019.