Cirklon V2

Which M4L plugin? I’ve been looking for something to try.

Hey guys here are some really nice sequencer plugins. I am just scratching the surface.


I’ll just add my two cents.

I’ve been using a Cirklon for a few years now and today I bought the kit to upgrade mine to V2.
As someone that has quite a bit of gear in the studio, and doesn’t tour or play out, it’s really really useful for my workflow.

Because of my career, I stare at multiple screens all day. Being able to get out of that loop and focus on playing with hardware when my kids are asleep is a Godsend.

It’s super fast and intuitive workflow which cannot replicated with the same tactile touch, laptop or not. Also, the OT is great for portability if one wants to leave the studio. The only drawback is I don’t like the limitation of working in 64 steps.

Finally, I think if one has a lot of hardware, having a Cirklon as the main hub/beating heart of the studio, is really great.

It is expensive yes, a luxury - I don’t think so. But it’s all subjective I suppose.
A good friend of mine sold his, no regrets. For me, it will be the last piece of kit I sell.


lucky bastard :triumph:

but seriously… congrats! hoping my place comes up soon…

this 100%. once you’ve got enough gear, it’s worth having for the instrument definitions alone.

In the meantime, are there any cool vids feat. Cirklon we should watch while waiting?
Something like controlling tons on synths, generative stuff?
Also jumped to this train last year… No problem with getting it in 2025 : )

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see here:

watch the ones labeled “Cirklon Informational Video Message.” and it should likely take you until your Cirklon arrives to watch and understand them all. :crazy_face: (but seriously… they’re quite long)


those are very cool : )
much better than watching another crime series…


This is fun punk tech track


This product just feels like the current steel sport watch situation to me. Getting on the waiting list and having something exclusive is the appeal, not the product itself.

Sorry, it cannot be worth waiting 3-4+ fucking years for! (yes I’ve extensively watched videos of it)

I’ve had one for the last 4 years. Put out a few EP and Albums with it. Its worth every damn penny :slight_smile:


goofing off :slight_smile:


“Steel sport watch” is a specific category of Veblen luxury good.

Cirklon is a luxury-priced sequencer but persons don’t buy it to show off to others, because even people who like techno don’t give a fuck how it’s made, synthesizers don’t make you cool :smiley:

People enjoy the workflow, and it’s one of the best featured sequencers being made throughout the history of sequencers!

Whether waiting for anything without putting any money down whatsoever is worth it to you or not is up to you!

But persons aren’t waiting for it just because they can’t have it, it’s not a watch to impress other men with.

It was desired before factors caused the current skew in production

  1. More interest led to more orders
  2. ALL production was shut down for a large period of time in order to move production and retool for a more sustainable and quicker process
  3. Covid absolutely fucked the shit out of supply chains worldwide for every single product, even that which could be SMT assembled by robots, wave soldering or whatever process.

Sour grapes over something you can’t have yourself is a long-running human psychology, but the queue isn’t composed entirely of showoffs as you implied.


fair enough im just being grumpy :sweat_smile:

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Yeah, admittedly I did appreciate the mental image of image-conscious nerds dropping $30,000 on synths and kit for absolutely none of their friends or loved ones to give a shit :slight_smile:

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i think there definitely is an instagram showoff contingent for music gear


it took almost 40 years for the ARP 2600 to make a comeback. worth it? up to you. same with the Cirklon.


Differences between V1 and V2, plus upgrade howto:


It is really a sequencer for old people.
People that bought a house and are financially stable and have their portfolio diversified…

I would love to try one some time.


When i see opening videos of electronic gear why do i always feel ripped off. A board with circuits etc etc. Im sure micro parts dont come cheap but i always feel underwhelmed.


What should be inside then?
I would be happy if there is nothing inside and it still works…