Cirklon V2

With tropical fish capacitors, the swing of my MIDI pulses are more “danceable” and holography of soundstage is much improved.

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here’s the inside of one my Loudest Warning panels. this give you the warm tinglies?

there’s even a sequencer in there. (also the boards on the left are designed by @J3RK)


Minus 20 :cold_face:

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What would you want to see inside? I have some pictures in mind from past repairs but not the energy to find my ideal layout…

By the heat metric, what designs get you sweaty?

I find it hard to find a boring PCB. This one has a variety of SMD components, and the solder quality on each is different. The huge space for the humorous text is either because it is a carrier board that must be that big (the outer holes suggest that) or there are analog-domain happenings that require that much space to avoid crosstalk.

I’ve been eyeballing computer motherboards for ~30 years, and did a lot of Eurorack DIY so maybe I’m more attuned to PCB design than most. I do think that PCBs are things that can be appreciated on a technical-aesthetic level, if you want to.


…and they just look fucking COOL!


I was thinking you wanted something that looked more hand-made, where you could see the human effort put into it. more “artisanal” (and Charlie is an artist with LW circuits) and less “computer generated.” I mean, the guy customized the circuits with stripboards…

Interesting. I guess they have never been seen as works of Art. But up very close it maybe a different story. I wonder if anyone has taken to painting them? Or Macro photography. Blown up large they would make interesting gallery exhibits im sure.

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Seriously good eye candy there.

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Blanking panels for eurorack can also be fun- <- I own this one!

Ok, I’m done with this diversion :smiley:

“synthesizers don’t make you cool“

All other topics aside, this statement, admittedly taken in isolation, is false.


This is so wrong.

It is simply a great sequencer. That’s why it’s in demand.

I’ve had mine for a few years now and it is the centre of my studio. Prior to it, I was a P3 nut, but the Cirklon takes it to another level.

Workflow suits me perfectly and it has depth that rewards year after year. My V2 upgrade is on the way to me which is exciting too.

Just get on the list, use something else in the meantime and rejoice when it arrives.

I’m on the waiting list for a second one too.


You ran out of ports?!

Do they have any special chaining or is one just going to clock the other?

Obviously posters here will think so!

I don’t have any luck finding people interested aside from subject specific local meetups are least :wink:

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One will clock the other- one for midi rig snd one for the modular rig


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I find the Cirklon aesthetically sublime. It invites the eye and the hand.


Is it? Did you get one of the early email offers? Had hoped I would get one of those, as I got on the list pretty quick, but if not will need to keep a close eye on the store.