Cirklon V2

The exterior certainly i agree.

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Yup. I jumped on this as soon as I saw the announcement.

Got it today and need a replacement panel as the new rear panel I got is incorrectly drilled but otherwise all good.

Its a pretty easy job

any reason for two since you can control both MIDI and CV from one machine?
of course having an ability to get two is always nice.

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Yup, my modular is distant from the Cirklon that runs everything else

What are they asking for the upgrade? Haven’t seen a price anywhere

That plus drum mux could be like buying it a 2nd time …

Ooph: 800 + 400 for drum mux

Yup like buying a 2nd cirklon :-/

Depends on the serial no. Mine was €560 for the full upgrade. Plus €27 shipping.
And it was to the UK so no tax, but will get slapped an extra £100 or so on arrival.
So about £600 all in.
But the sub-328 serial numbers need a new IO board too which adds an extra €150 pre-tax.

I’ve been on the waiting list since July 2018. Last I heard from Barbara she was estimating “first half of 2022”. I emailed her 10 months after getting on the list (May '19) to enquire about whether I’d be getting a V2 when my time came and she said yes to the V2 and estimated my place on the list to be early 2020. I guess I should be receiving an email from them in the next few months, hopefully. Like others have said, I’m not sure how I’ll pay for it, but I’ve got plenty of stuff to sell that doesn’t take 4 years to re-acquire, so there’s that.


My v2 upgrade kit is on the way. Just waiting to see how long it takes, to get over to the UK from the EU.

according to the website, in euros and before VAT, it’s 470 for a V2 upgrade and 400 for drum mux. likewise, before VAT, a new Cirklon V2 is 1440. 870 < 1440, last I checked :crazy_face:

the drum mux is pretty expensive though, I’ll grant you that; it’s double the price of the CVIO BoB. that is, before you factor in the price of the CVIO board itself… factoring that in, the drum mux is actually slightly cheaper.

Thanks for the info everyone. My Cirklon is quite an early serial (yes, I got in early!) so the upgrade f cost is the maximum…

Mind you.some years of uninterrupted faithful service later, it’s not a terrible thing and I don’t have to upgrade… but probably will :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

bummer you have to pay more, but this is a great outlook. how long have you had yours?

I signed up in Dec 2017 and received my cirklon about 4 years later, in Dec 2021.

Already sold it, ended up overkill for me. Cool kit though.

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That was the same for me as well. I wouldn’t mind giving one another go, but I don’t want to burden my unborn children with debt when it finally arrives (long after im gone).


Since 2011, SN is < 100 … so none of these crazy long waiting times.

It’s an incredible, flexible instrument / tool. I would never part with it.


My v2 upgrade pack, for SN242 has cleared UK customs. …but looks like I’ll be paying customs charges. :frowning:

Of course. You won’t have paid VAT and will need to pay now. Plus whatever inconvenience fee Parcelforce choose for the privilege.
You can write to Jacob Rees-Mogg and thank him for the opportunity.


I knew about the VAT. I’d already figured that out and it was no surprise.

£11.38 Customs Duty
£12 Clearance Fee

…which I don’t believe are Parcelforce fees.

I’ve now upgraded. All working well so far. Being able to type instrument names etc. on a wireless USB keyboard, is a breath of fresh air. Hopefully Colin will get the touch display going for text entry too.

One feature I’ve requested is - if you use Cirklon as a MIDI interface for a Mac/PC (and possibly other scenarios too), being able to turn off the display would be nice. I wore my old one out to the point where I couldn’t read it!


If you read the smallprint, the “clearance fee” is what parcelforce charge you for the additional admin that all of this brings. I don’t blame them. Brexit must bring a lot of additional admin.
Glad it went well for you. Just did mine last night. Unsurprisingly, took me quite a bit longer than Colin in the video, but the video made it very straightforward.
Screensaver is a good idea. The TFT is much nicer to look at. Would be nice to keep it in good shape.

The video is a bit hard to see in places. Like for example, I didn’t find it ever-so easy to work out which way round the USB connector went. Ideally, Colin could have zoomed in a bit.

Yeah, that was the only bit that I was a bit dubious about. Had to re-watch several times and pinch zoom on the Mac. Was reassured that it has a breaker circuit in place to cut the 5v if you get it the wrong way round.

Had to reopen mine to re-align the screen after I first plugged it in because whilst it looked fine by eye with the screen off, there was a slight (maybe 1mm) drop from right to left across the screen, that wasn’t really noticeable with the Cirklon powered off, but became much more noticeable with the device on and eg. the CK grid on the screen. Was tempted to leave it, but knew it would annoy me over time, so thought best to fix whilst still fresh in mind. All good now!