Cirklon V2

Well, I think they do not owe anyone anything. As you say, there are alternatives out there, and no one on their list has made any downpayment…

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fair. but lots who haven’t as well. example: Buchla is building modules on-demand, with a several month wait. Make Noise hasn’t had a Shared System available in like two years. they’ve sold for upwards of $6k on Reverb in the interim. even Korg had to push out items like the 2600m and 700s by several months.

the real issue is Sequentix went into Covid with a two year backlog, and then had to move and push it out another six months. and THEN the supply chain issues happened. it’s not wrong to say they should have never had the two year wait list to begin with. but would we rather have a wait list and a place in line? or have Sequentix just build batches and “first come, first serve” them? likely at a higher cost, and increasing the resale price even more, I’m sure…

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They’ve been saying this for years now.

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Yeah, I’m sure how they are handling the system currently is probably the best way they could be handling it. But yeah, the probably should have had a solution about 3 years ago and now here we are.

It’s great they have the demand they have but if they ever catch up I wonder if that demand will remain.

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I wonder the same thing. and I’d hate to see them hire people to catch up to demand, only to let them go months later, for example. and as you say: then where are they as a company?

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I’m not trying to be rude but dang this is ridiculous. I feel like the company could of been way ahead of they would of hired a sufficient staff to assemble these at a reasonable rate.

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could have*
if* they
would have*

Sorry to be the grammar police, but that’s just too much…


“Growth hacking” is great if you want to set up an empire, not so good for everyone’s mental health or lack of desire for a specific level of operation.

Yes, hiring a bunch of people would make things faster. But training costs, affects quality, and there are costs to ramping up that would not help you when you’re caught up.

I get being impatient, but it’s odd how so many people think their favorite manufacturer should become a master of capital instead of managing the load they feel most comfortable with.

One of the big reasons for the accrued length of backlog was suspending operations in order to revamp their manufacturing capability (for longer term sustainability), I hope that helped them going into COVID but I have no clue and even though I’m a year or two out it’s none of my beeswax :slight_smile:


I’m just saying on mom and pop level. Lol idk why blowing this out of proportion.

after having a couple cirklons, i’d say the thing is does best is create confirmation bias.


There are multiple reasons why the queue is so large/long, probably some others I am missing-

  • Two person company primarily, I do not know how many additional assemblers they employ beyond pnp SMT/board level fabrication
  • Covid-related fabrication / supply chain / labor nightmares
  • All new assembly was shut down for quite a long time to retool production

The queue is being eaten into (if not rapidly) consistently, discussing the perspective of why this is all going on is setting proportion.

lol, in how necessary they are? :slight_smile:

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Why, though?
The wait list proves the market. Most of the wait list members seem content to wait. Most of them probably buy and sell other sequencers in the meantime. Some artists buy more than one Cirklon. The owners are still making product and updates.
Seems like a “successful” business. Only standard capitalism insists they “solve” these “problems”.
I’m quite happy to wait for my turn, TBH.


Right? None of these problems are due to not employing a separate, dedicated PM, or would be resolved by the same.

Especially for a single product line with few accessories!

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i wouldnt say ‘necessary’ is the feeling. its more a “everyone else is still waiting and i just waited 5 years, so yeah…its the best”. particularly after watching vids on it for years anxiously.

i was guilty of it too. got my 1st one back in 2013/14 and was like “its the best!”. sold it and was like “omg i miss it…it was the best!”. got a v2, and i felt like i just got a 10 year old vision, new in box device. i sold it rather quickly. i did enjoy the bragging rights and making people on the wait list foam at the mouth for a bit tho…


weird. I just write music with mine :man_shrugging:


You do both and don’t know it. Just seeing it in your pictures make wait list people anxious.

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How many names do you think are on the waiting list? Keep in mind this is a very niche product.

How many people change their mind? Thats going to speed the process. Im 2019.

Just create a bunch of email addresses, preorder a bunch of cirklons, then resell them for 3x the price and you make 50% interest per year for 4 years on money you didn’t even invest until it was time for your payout. I don’t see what people are complaining about :thinking:

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Are you using scare tactics to make me cancel my order :rofl: