Cirklon V2

We should submit and graph this data. Get some sort of projection.


That’s what happens when I try to do this while at work. Lol sorry grammar :policewoman:

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I get zero pleasure from speculation about the internal state of companies, all i know is that i’m a few years out.

They may have given such information on their forum but i only check there every so often to see what date they’ve gotten up to :slight_smile:

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as of a month ago it was through April 2018. so it’s about 4.5 years out at the moment.

Quick question I am trying to connect additional synths to the Cirklon do i need a midi thru or midi merge box ?

Thank you

Which synths do you have?
What MIDI connections have you made so far?
Do you want to send MIDI information from the synths to the Cirklon, from the Cirklon to the synths, or both?

All those waiting for the cirklon should check out the Midibox seq4+ while they wait. I’ve spent a day with mine today (currently listed in bst, but this isn’t a sales pitch cos I’m hopefully keeping it!) and it’s incredible - like the cirklon it’s stupidly complex if you want it to be and really simple if you don’t. It’s got plenty of tricks too - more so than the cirklon in terms of divisions, tempo variations and interoatrern directions. Anyway, as you were!


I am working on my own Sequencer, somewhere between seq v4 and cirklon. Got my second Hardware-Prototype done this week. Will see if I meet all me needs Software-Wise before my name pops up for the cirklon…


Midi thru will be the simpliest to have more midi out to connect your additional synths.
But the best (and more expensive too) will be to connect sequentix midi interface on USB port and have up to a maximum of 16 midi in an out plus the initial 5 ones…
Merger can also repeat signals and eventualy mix them…
Différents solutions


Hi Peter,

Hope all is well.
I want my midi keyboard (analog keys) to send notes to the cirklon per midi channel and sequence each synth as a sound module. Current setup of synths I will be running is Analog Rytm, Waldorf Kyra, Analog Keys, Waldorf M.

Other synths that I want to add to a hub are prophet 6, prophet 10, Moog voyager, TD-3.

Always wanted to try this…there is one on ebay for a good price that I “might” take a chance on.

If they would just build it for me, I’d pay another couple hundred.

This should be straightforward. You don’t need to buy any MIDI mergers, thru boxes, or “hubs”.

  • Connect the MIDI Out of your Analog Keys to one MIDI In port of the Cirklon.

  • Connect the 5 MIDI Out ports of the Cirklon to the MIDI In ports of your 5 favourite synths.

  • Connect the MIDI Thru ports of the connected synths to the MIDI In ports of any remaining synths. Make sure the latter don’t use the same MIDI channel(s) as the synth they’re connected to.

Then you can set up the Cirklon to route the Note messages from the AK to any of the other synths.


I love it, cirklon wait is so long you can design and build your own sequencer before you are at the front of the wait list.


I would like to add one thing here:

The tighter you want to have the synth play on the clock, the nearer you want the synth to be at the sequencer. With every MIDI Thru you add, you add a little bit of latency, as MIDI Thru is not really like a Y-Cable, but a often a Chip reading the MIDI Messages on IN and sending them to THRU or at least, sending them to the THRU after the octocopler, that might introduce a little bit of latency. This is mostly based on how MIDI Specification works, as the Voltage of MIDI can be a wide range, and the MIDI in is optically decoupled from the circuit (by using an octocopler) so the voltage of the sending device is not destroying the receiving side. So for really big studios, it is often a better idea to use Midi-Thru-Boxes etc. and run the devices in parallel instead of chaining them all together.
On top of that, sometimes, if you have latency in your system, it might help to change the order of the chain, as not all midi-throu use the same octocopler (most should nowadays) and different octocoplers might have different speeds.

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My Cirklon arrived last Wednesday after 4 years on the waiting list, last night was my first play around with it, barely scraped the surface however it was syncing tight with Digitakt and Hydrasynth.


Welcome to the maze :rofl:


The propagation delay of the usual opto-isolator will not add any relevant latency (esp. ones like 6N137 which produces very sharp edges)

In my experience, the vast majority of synths use hardware thru, so the extra processing is not happening. (Things are different for synths with only Midi In/Out).

edit: I am not saying he should chain 10 synths… :wink: esp. now that you can cheaply add 16 MIDI outs to the Cirklon.


I have a feeling when I’m finally notified in a couple of years that I’m going to go a little nuts with the accessories. Wooden cheeks, torn between getting black key caps or not, getting a breakout box or ordering any spare parts… it might be a freak out moment. :sweat_smile:

I wouldn’t worry too much. The cheeks and stuff will be on sale being that they are 10 years old at that point :stuck_out_tongue:


finally got my name to the front of the list for a V2 upgrade! went hog-wild and added the black key caps to it as well. :metal:

I would agree that midi thru is less of an issue than people seem to make it out to be. I sometimes see setups with like three synths and they’re using a midi thru box from their sequencer with a dedicated port to reach each of them. total overkill. I’ve had the better part of ten synths daisy-chained via midi ins/thrus without perceived timing issues.