Cirklon V2

Already posted in most recent purchase thread… but anyway, totally worth it!


looks great! I’ve been after them for a while but the cost of shipping put me off. they still weren’t cheap even with combined shipping. but it’ll be an awesome update!

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Same, I’m in Seattle and shipping was brutal… but still glad I went for it.

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This may be true, but I don’t want to have to turn on 10 synths just to use the 10th one.


This has caught me out too many times… “why isn’t this working?” “Oh, I need to turn on the Rytm.”


haha a fair point. I don’t typically have this problem as I power up the whole studio via a few power strips. and I don’t typically actually run ten synths daisy-chained this way. or not any more :rofl:

I’m not saying having a midi distribution system is bad of course. that’s part of why I want the V2 upgrade! I’m just saying my experience is that midi thru is less of an issue than it’s sometimes made out to be.

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For those that are interested, it appears that the Cirklon is now capable of MPE capture and playback. Great news!


Just ordered my Cirklon V2, and the black key caps. Chose not to get the wooden end cheeks but I don’t think those have a wait list so if I ever want them I’ll order them, it was tough trying to choose which wood to get and they didn’t have the zebra, which looks amazing. I got on the list July 2018 and got the email from Barbara November 2022. I didn’t have the cash when she emailed me so thank goodness she said they’d also have a batch in January and February. I got lucky with that. Total wait time 44 months. It’s quite a long wait but it’ll be worth it, and if I don’t gel with it, the resale market for these is great. :joy: Just posting as an update to the wait time.


Maybe my late 2019 “preorder” V2 will come up for NGNY2024 :slight_smile:


the wood end cheeks are great for desktop usage. mine came (used) with walnut and it’s awesome, but burr elm (below) is my favorite. unfortunately they don’t offer it any more. I think the woods sort of rotate so they may get zebra or burr elm back :crossed_fingers:

having used the black keys for a few months after having white for a few years, I’m not sure I would’ve ordered the black to start with. it was a bit disorienting at first. maybe that’s being so used to the white, or maybe it’s just that the whole thing is one color now. :man_shrugging:

anyway… congrats! :partying_face:


Thanks, and yeah they didn’t have the elm or walnut when I ordered, I probably would’ve gotten the walnut but it’s alright, like you said, at some point a nicer wood might become available. As far as the black key caps, when I looked at pics of the Cirklon with the black keys it did occur to me that they’d be harder to distinguish from other keys or the unit itself, but they just look so nice. I would hope that they send me the white key caps as well though, seeing as the black key caps were an add on item. I think I’ll email Barbara just to confirm that, because I should get them both.

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good to confirm but I highly doubt they’d send without the white as well. nice to have the option for both! I’m kinda split which one I like better :man_shrugging:

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I was curious about this as well.

20% price increase over night. Oh dear.


Eeeeeek. Unsurprising but hits harder when it’s already that pricey.

On the plus side, if someone really NEEDS one there’ll be a few spots given up earlier than expected :I

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Wait, was it not already €2,000?

In low light conditions the white keys are better. I have a hard time seeing in darker setups so the contrast helps me visualize what’s going on with the sequence.


I guess the parts and the company size it self is just the reason this is like it is. Seems like they could use some help in scaling their business. This much demand and such little output. Anyone have some input?

this has been discussed a lot here and at ModWiggler. basically the story for the last 3-4 years is every time they take one step forward, they take two steps back. for various reasons: redesign, moving, pandemic, chip shortages necessitating more redesigns, etc… seems every time they gear up to build a bunch of units, they hit another setback. I don’t think that at the moment it takes them super long to build units when they have the parts, it’s just getting to that point that’s difficult. and with as stop/start as their production has been with said roadblocks, it’s likely not so easy to just hire a bunch of people to build units.

or that’s my understanding at least. oh and on top of all that, 3-4 years ago they already had like an eighteen month wait. so…

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More accurate than ever…