Cirklon V2

V1 worth picking up used for around £1600 whilst waiting for a V2 (I reckon im 2 years away at least)?

Looks like last V2 on fleabay was around £2,200 which I guess was a good price when you take into account import and VAT into UK

I am guessing in terms of future V2 OS exclusive updates and features we are quite far away regardless (if there is to be any)

I don’t think it’s a good idea to ask strangers about their opinions for your expenses.
You need to know that for yourself, honestly.

Perhaps some will say: yes, totally worth it.
I would say no.


Yeah guess your right but always nice to seek opinions :slight_smile:

It’s not strictly about my personal finances - more about seeking options on grabbing an older model that reading between the lines might have limited updates in future. I mean I would take my place on the list anyhow and ditch the V1 if I did get the call.

I guess I will wait it out for a good deal on a V2 and save the hassle of multiple purchases

I didn’t want to question your finances, I’m sorry!

I would wait too or look at alternatives too.
But who am I anyway :wink:

After the 20% price increase of new Cirklon V2 in February, I’d say that 1600 GBP sounds like a reasonable deal on a V1 even when you factor in the 700 EUR or whatever the V2 upgrade kit costs.

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probably worth doing. especially if you can knock a bit off the price (it’s slightly high in my opinion).

really V2 isn’t 100% necessary. you mainly get the better screen and ability to expand midi outputs via usb. and you can always upgrade to this later. maybe the wait for it is even less than for a new unit.

for reference: I got on the list for a new V2 unit in November 2018, bought a used V1 in August 2019, upgraded it to V2 in October 2022. name still hasn’t come up for the new V2 unit.

Lost interest. If my number ever comes up I can pass it on or turn it down to allow next in line access.

Just one more thing to not fully learn and ad to already too much stuff.

I’m out.


Im guessing you night get the call soonish as I believe last time I was on the Sequentix forum they were working on Sept 2018 batches!!

I think upgrade kits are just as bad a wait.

Yes I am tempted to just grab a V1 for time being - your wait time seems crazy and worse then projected by sequentix. It looks like they are on the move again also and presume still chip shortages so cant see waitlists speeding up

you’re probably right that I should be coming up on the list soon. I posted about this above; that I’ll have a decision to make regarding what to do.

I totally get people being frustrated about the wait. my outlook is “just jump on the list and see if you still want one when your name comes up.” they do occasionally pop up for reasonable prices, so maybe you’ll get lucky (like I did) in the meantime. btw, my V1 unit was $1850 (used) in 2019, and it came with CVIO and BOB. that’s the main reason I said the deal you’re considering is a bit too pricey.

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Same. When I signed up for the list I wasn’t that familiar with hardware sequencers and hadn’t really found my groove. Now that I have, I can’t imagine introducing some thing as complicated as the Cirklon - it would be a massive disruption to the way that I work and it wouldn’t really contribute anything to my music. Especially considering the price increase.

Absolutely no shade on the device or the people who use it though, it’s a cool piece of kit.


I was concerned about this too but it was very quick to setup and learn the basics (like the OT; you learn it as you need to, don’t try to take it all in at once). after that I felt like it was the opposite: instead of disrupting, it improved and streamlined my workflow massively. I wouldn’t say it necessarily adds to my music as I seldom use some of the crazier features. it’s just that it’s quicker and easier to write now.

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I hear ya, though learning it is the only reason I’m still interested, actually. I like figuring things out just for the sake of it — especially sequencers. And Circlon seems to be one of those pieces of gear like the OT that it’s really hard to wrap your brain around without picking it up and just working with it.

When I only want to learn a thing, though, I can usually get an old busted version at substantial discount to work it out. Here, though, the mkI is still selling at more than a brand new one. So it’d actually be cheaper to go brand new when my number pops — but that still feels like a premium just to learn a thing. It’ll be a conundrum for sure.

Off topic: not sure where the OT stigma comes from. It’s really not that difficult to get familiar with. :thinking::man_shrugging:t5:


Good to know! I’m still like two years out on the waiting list so I’ve got plenty of time to change my mind haha.

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I wouldn’t say it’s a stigma, nor would I say it’s difficult. For me it’s more of a “it’s a bag of tools” thing. Manuals and videos can explain the tools to you. They can even give example projects to build with them. But I not going to figure out how I’d use them to make the things until I get to spend time with them.

This was my experience with the OT (some use it for performance FX, some as a sequencer, some as a sampler, some as a DJ mixer, each of which feels greater than the sum of its parts) and will be, I imagine, my experience with Cirklon. It’s a bag of tools (timing, meter, loop, probability, skip, aux events, song/scenes, step (P3) events, list (CK) events, etc.) that, once understood, is still only half the battle. I still want to figure out how to use them to make something greater than the sum of those parts.

Did not mean to imply you thought that. :slight_smile:

But many give it this ‘enigmatic’ status. RTFM and learn to use it properly. Rather than wing it. It’s fairly straight forward.

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I’ve been on the list 3 years now and have tried every sequencer known to man…mostly…been a fun journey. I’m sure there will be more in the next 1-2 years before I"m up for purchase…will most likely purchase just to try it out…can resell no problem.

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I like the challenge of the Octatrack which I don’t find specifically hard (though admittedly the odd thing goes wrong now and then). Watching the Irish fellas in-depth Cirklon tutorials on YouTube etc it doesn’t actually look that complicated

This is a good point. It’s only expensive if one decides to keep it :wink:

Yes I think your right as this is the bare bones V1