Cirklon V2

V3 gonna be announced soon right? :slight_smile:

I’m already on the list. V4 too. At least the v4 i’m gonna get serial #001
Thinking about auctioning off this spot in line…

I might follow the same path. A Hapax was delivered today, which might replace the desire for a Cirklon V2.


Cirklon makes the OT midi sequencer look like a toy in comparison

brb, going to sequence my entire studio


If you have a lot of hardware, Cirklon is still unrivaled. It’s also not very complicated coming from Elektron sequencers.

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Finally ordered mine today, signed up to the waiting list 54 months ago. :slight_smile:


Not too long then hehe


Well, most midi sequencers do that :slight_smile:


I was on the list for just over 4 years, one day I decided to search my spam folder and found my offer email had been sat there for over a month.
It’s in my home studio now.


I’m just a little over 2 years in (added to the list Jan 2021). I think a Hapax is in my future later this year. I’d like to see how I get along with that while the wait continues.

Just wondering if someone on the cirklon waiting list has tried the oxi too? I know there are not the same. But come maybe close.

Previously on Elektronauts:


Most sequencers have 1 or 2 MIDI outs (16 or 32 channels) … Cirklon has 5 sets of MIDI DIN ports, 6 USB MIDI Ports and the CVIO if you have the BoB.

It’s an entirely different beast, capable of running a huge number of synths / drum machines / modular in parallel.

Another use intended by Colin was to have the tightest possible MIDI timing (one instrument per port + CV instruments).

Both uses cases are valid. I think only the MidiBox SEQ does anything similar.

what exactly does all that change with my message, that nearly every sequencer is a better sequencer, than the Octatrack, that you are replying to?

I don’t think that there is much, people who sit here in this thread, talking while waiting for their call, don’t know already about the advantages of the cirklon (as well as its disadvantages). :slight_smile:

I would btw. SOO love to see some MIDI Timing measurements to compare them to my DIY one. I should be under 10micoseconds jitter, thats better than most sequencers I owned, dunno how much tighter Colin got the Cirklon.

P.S.: Did you try the Seq4? If I understand it correctly, MIDI is sent via I2c from the controller to the midi board, there is is converted into serial midi and sent out. Dunno how good that works?

for me this didn’t work. Sold the Hapax after a couple of months. On paper it was perfect and I had your same idea.
Joined the list in 2021 and I’m sure I’ll love the Cirklon given how much I love complex step sequencers like Vector.

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For me, they all come short, when it comes to precise modulation over a long time, and the song mode. I totally don’t feel that “put pattern into scenes, chain them and call it a song”. And I fear, Cirklon isn’t doing both perfectly either :frowning:

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I’m on the v2 list, I have a v1 Cirklon… although I’m not sure theres really THAT much of a difference at the moment.

Song mode in Cirklon is basically the same as Elektron song mode in my eyes. If you don’t like the Elektron song mode you won’t like the Cirklon’s. Personally I have no problem with it. Not really sure how you’d make it any better. Not a fan of the Ableton clip nonsense lolz.

Correct. Btw, the V2 hardware can address 16 Midi ports over USB. With the right interface, MIDI data packets for all port are sent in parallel.

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