Cirklon V2

You can buy kits for the MIDIBox Seq V4+ now. It makes it a little more attainable I guess. Only 16 tracks, but it has many of the features that the Cirklon has.

Just an FYI for those who are unaware and are looking for an alternative.


damn, that’s cool! those transparent keycaps aren’t my fav though, are they just standard mechanical switches?

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can put in other caps (not mine - i don’t own one)


That is a messy interface. The focal point is the gap just to the right of the centre.

Ok so there seems to be some confusion and some hurt feelings flying around. :slight_smile:

Let me clarify, if a professional has to wait 3 years to get a a tool they depend on for a living, they will look elsewhere.

Do you think a professional phototgrapher, could wait 3 years for a camera he needs to put food on the table ? Of course not, and by the time he would get it, it would be obsolete.

So instead of taking it personal, read what i actually wrote. I did not say it can’t be used in a professional capacity, i said it does not target the professional market in the sense it target musicians who depends on it for a living, if they do you think they could shut down their sales (business) for 3 years ?

So everyone take a deep breath.


But a DIY build for roughly the same price as a Pyramid? Not judging because I don’t know, but my instinct would be to just get the Pyramid

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I have a friend with one and when I saw the gap I had a similar concern. He reckons you stop seeing it after a while and it doesn’t impede the use of the unit.

He uses it 15-30 mins a day but also goes days without using it and doesn’t seem to be any less happy with it after a year.


Yes, you already said that. But professional musicians already have them.

Sure, and that’s what most would/should do.

You’d have to read up on the features between them. The MIDIbox has a rediculous amount of useful features including many of the ones from Pyramid and the Cirklon.

16 tracks can stretch pretty far too.
1 track can be a “drum track” which can have 16 drum parts on it for example.

You can also load new projects on the fly without stopping the sequencer and without interruption.

There’s way too much for me to list here but it’s just a powerful alternative that should be added to the list IMO.


Yes and you still can make the distinction or understand the difference, I also said it doesn’t mean it isn’t used by professionals. But it’s a niche product even in its own segment. If you need a tool so you can make a living you can’t wait 3 years, you find other solutions to keep your business going.

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I’m not arguing! Just looking for reasons to pull the trigger on something. Watched some tutorials, but still not sure and I’ve been on the Cirklon list forever…just looking for something in the meantime, or maybe permanently :slight_smile:

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Don’t be ridiculous.
Anyway, just because most musicians had to wait years for a Prophet~5, that didn’t make it (or SCI) an amateur hobbyists synth.


You obviously do not understand the difference, between product specification/feature set and the target group/market. Where did i once say the Cirklon was a amateur or hobbyist product from a performance perspective ? It’s arguably the highest regarded product in it’s niche segment.

However not many professionals who needs a specific tools will wait for it, they will find other tool to make their living at least in the meantime. It’s a product that can’t live up in terms of delivery/demand to the professional market.

Now let’s get back to the waiting game. :slight_smile:

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I really need to work less and watch more YouTube.
Anyway. In the near future I’ll be selling an unwanted Cirklon, or going “full-pro” and selling the Pyramid instead.

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It was certain “professionals” that made it famous. And before it was famous it was a bespoke item for said “professionals.” A way to think about the Cirklon is that it’s a custom instrument for those niche professionals that make music a specific way.

The Cirklon was designed to be upgraded. Not replaced once every 2.5 years. The boards are modular. Try upgrading the ram on a new MacBook Pro.

As per the Cirklon “going obsolete.” It’s a going to go obsolete the same way any instrument with a midi port is going to go obsolete since 1982. (Side note: Colin has been working on a midi2.0 implementation and recording MPE. )

The points you’ve made thus far are not coming from a place of a person who owns a Cirklon or knows much about it, or hardware sequencers, frankly.

It’s also not targeted at professional (as in relying on it to make a living) but more to the hobbyist who have the time and money.
~ Fotopaul

If you can only make money off of your music using a Cirklon, you’re not a professional.


What would you say are the most important parts of the studio you used on the album?

As I said earlier definitely the Cirklon sequencer And our modular set up. We used those on almost every track.


I use the Cirklon on every one of my tracks. If it disappeared tomorrow, I’d still be making music.


Of course, I wasn’t having a go at anyone. I don’t have one and have no bun in this fight.

I first heard of it while looking for a midi interface for my Tb-303 quite a few years ago. The first people I saw talking about it were Slam.
Love to everyone


I’d love to try one. But then, I only have a few machines, all having their own (elektron) sequencer.
Wouldn’t make much sense I guess. But I could use it for ipad apps :upside_down_face:


No. It makes sense to use Elektron gear with Cirklon. Because of the specific abilities of Cirklon. Futhermore if it’s just to test/taste one, it’s not a problem not using Elektron sequencers :thinking: