
Man… many years ago I went into a thrift store and just as I entered this dude was buying some small Gaggia for like $50. I was so pissed.

I use to go to Miami a bit in the early 00s and would often head to Cafe Versilia on Calle Ocho in the late evening to have a guava pastel and Cuban coffee. I think the key to a good Cuban coffee gathered from observing the ladies there making them is to whisk the sugar with the espresso as it comes out as the sugar seems to almost bind to the the crema. In NYC it’s nearly impossible to find a good Cuban coffee.

I’m not at all a fan of all the light roasted coffee that’s popular these days. Tastes way too funky for me. It’s hard also to just find a normal old school Italian espresso here. Old school not as in USA circa 1980 but like what a lot of coffee shops were making when people started caring about coffee in the US.

My main Cafeteria tip would be to pre-boil the water as it is less likely to get a burnt taste from the coffee or to buy one of the electric models they now offer.

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I’m not sure where “here” is for you, but Target carries Illy beans in both bean and ground form.

James Hoffmann’s coffee youtubes are excellent, this one on Moka technique is good.

He is also a musician:


NYC but I meant at actual coffee shops… I do like Illy or that other old Italian brand d’Ore something…but really only drink Bustelo in the house.

I recall that video. That’s where I picked up the pre-boiling tip didn’t know he also made music. Does he do a lot of sampling of espresso machines and such?

Well, we do have those old school hold out places but the problem with those is that the baristas aren’t really trained and the machines aren’t maintained so it’s always over extracted and burnt. I use to go to this Albania bar of all places and the barista worked in Milan for a while and she made amazing espresso. Sometimes I talk to the baristas at the places near me which are using whatever roastery is in vogue now and they often confess that they don’t really like the beans either…go figure.

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Well, I spent a lot of time drinking at this place and my partner at the time was a Serbian who grew up in what is now Croatia so I know a fair amount about all of that sadness sadly…

Actually that place closed because some guy showed up there late one night and starting pleasuring himself and got badly beaten up and he ended up suing the bar. The barista was supposed to testify or something but sort of disappeared before the court date. I knew enough to behave myself there and now knowing Albanian hospitality if I go to such places I know it’s only a matter of time before one buys you a drink!

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Should I not ask an Albanian how cryptocurrency sales are going today?

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When you have a choice between a literal bloodbath (the '90s) and a metaphorical one (crypto), always take the metaphorical.

Anyway, how about that coffee?

I’m currently cheating by using a milk “frother” rather than a proper steamer, but my partner prefers the texture to “proper” steamed milk. We just discovered that letting the espresso shot cool after it comes out of the Flair for a minute or two before adding milk improves the taste overall. So now instead of kicking off the frother right before I press the shot, I kick off the frother right after the shot is done.


Watched this last night and found it pretty interesting. It’s part of Wired’s ‘Tech Support’ series:


I did eventually get the 9Barista (birthday present), and I’m very happy with it.

The whole process of grinding and making the coffee is quite relaxing.

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Real talk right here. I can’t leave condensed milk alone.

I’m still loving the Nespresso pods as daily drivers, the Arpeggio pods are my favourite, and will have a nice French press at the weekends.

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The Breakfast of Champions! Or as I like to call it, my vitaman C.

This makes the absolute worse coffee and I once read that its widespread use contributed to the decline in coffee consumption in the US at some point.

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You gearheads might appreciate these two manual espresso makers lent to me by a friend.

So far I have only tried the green monster, which makes surprisingly decent espresso. I will take it across the pond, together with a really good hand grinder, when I have to leave all my fancier 110V machines behind.


180 degrees

When I can’t get ahold of really good coffee for my press or pourover, I just go the Mr. Coffee drip route. Chock Full o’ Nuts, baby!

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I like McDonalds coffee. Better than Starbucks. And Dunkin.

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Starbucks is watered-down crap. I think you may be onto something with the McDonald’s. Their food is horrible (and I wouldn’t consider it food) but their coffee is pretty good if you’re forced to buy coffee out and about. Wholeheartedly agree. Shhh, don’t tell too many people.


I agree with you completely!

Time to wake up this thread with a nice cup of joe!

My coffee story has been an off and on relationship. Like many others, I enjoy the ritual of it. But I also have some gnarly digestive issues and had to cut out coffee (and most tea) while I narrowed down the culprit.

Now I’m back on the coffee train. Currently sipping an anaerobic Colombian gesha from Chromatic Coffee. Funky and fruity.

My current brew method is an Aeropress with a Prismo attachment. Beans ground in a 1zpresso JX Pro or Baratza Encore (depending on how early in the morning it is). Topped off with hot water for a faux-americano. On the weekends I froth some milk for a cappuccino effect or have black tea instead. No caffeine after 2pm for me has worked great.

I hope to ditch beer this year and turn the savings into a Gaggia Classic Pro. Thats gonna take a while though, since I only drink 4 beers a month!

What’s everyone else sipping on?

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