Computer Video Game Recommendations

Anybody playing Cyberpunk 2077 on PS4?
I’m finding this version of it buggy to the point of unacceptable. Texture load times are a joke…
People appearing out of thin air, walking through walls. The game has crashed on me at least 6 times. I hope it gets sorted out, and I know that it’s probably great on the next generation consoles…
But man…


I’ve been reading about this quite a bit, as I have to go pickup the game later today (also playing on PS4 base) There is a patch 1.02 that was released that should help. Also they are releasing newer patches for PC, version 1.04 I think they are on now. Hopefully these will come to PS4 soon. Got me a little worried.


Had to relinquish the controls and let my teenager build out his character. It is a pretty cool game and looks really really deep. It also has an annoying feature on PS4 where you enter a camera mode if you hit L3 and R3 together. This happens to me all the time in combat, and it pauses the game play. I’ve become such a button masher in my old age


Just for awareness purposes


I got it for the PC. I’ve only made it as far as setting up all my options though. Haven’t started the actual game yet. :smiley: Hoping to change that today.

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I’ve been playing it through. Yeah it’s a shame they have to write their history No Mans Sky style. They should have just focused on and released it for PC then worried about the rest later. But gamers can be pretty whiney so this what we have.

It’s buggy as all hell but tbh I find it hilarious. The game has room for improvement, 1.04 helped combat on PS4 a lot but driving around the city is choppy as hell.

The main story is cool and I’m finding it playable, but it’s not the lavish graphic quality u get on PC. I didn’t really expect anything so I’m not really disappointed. I do wish they’d just delayed it though, it’s hard to revisit games for another play through when it’s properly baked in 6 months or another year. Tough to have to do the whole release it broke fix it later thing but it seems common these days.


Likely gonna return my copy (PS4). I think it would be an excellent game but the bugs and crashes just make me feel I have to return it out of principal. Got to add, some of the bugs are actually funny though.

Really seems they released it full well knowing how bad it was and hoping to correct things afterwards like you mentioned.


I’m playing Cyberpunk on Stadia. Having a blast and looks and works great.

I was expecting it to be a buggy mess on last gen machines. They’ll fix it soon enough though but not encountered many issues on stadia. And getting a controller and chromecast for free!.

Got to say though, some of the reviews leading up to release were just ridiculous. A lot of crying on trans/racial bases which just felt a little ludicrous when reading through. From playing the game I don’t get the problems at all. It’s on a par with the nonsense from some squealing about boycotting the upcoming Harry Potter game due to Rowlings comments.


Have you read about them from the point of view of the people who felt they were discriminated against and used by the studio and its communication? Or just from the point of view of people who already felt it was ridiculous?

Anyway, Disco Elysium has blown my mind, I would definitely urge everyone to play it, never felt so much stuff from a video game!

Also, had a blast with Ni No Kuni and Hades.


I don’t really want this thread to descend into the same old routine to be honest. And it will do if we let it!. I do try to understand these perspectives but there’s such a wide gamut of cancel culture nowadays that it’s hard not to feel exhausted by it all.

I urge folk to try the game for themselves though. Once it gets going it’s highly entertaining. I had set my bar low pre release as could tell the hype had this one doomed for weeks so I’ve actually been pleasantly surprised. Feels very much like how Deus Ex did all those years ago when I first played it.


Meh, not Cyberpunk even though I have a PS5 + gaming PC so performance is not an issue.

Ghost of Tsushima was magnitudes better than Cyberpunk, minimal hype, realistic expectations blown out of the water, etc etc…, the NPCs and open world of CP feel worse than San Andreas on PS2 (and I have a fat PS2 with San Andreas sitting right here). The Witcher (all of them), I enjoyed more.

For PC… I have been playing through Yakuza series, beat 0, Kiwami 1 and 2, now I’m working on Yakuza 3-5 remaster… 3 is a bit of a drag. The Yakuza series + Judgment has been one of my favorites so far but I guess it’s not for everyone. A beat 'em up with a ridonkulous story and tons of sidequests where a lot of the funny bits are. Cyberpunk tried to mix the small but intricate world of Yakuza/Shenmue games with bits of GTA and other open worlds but IMO failed.

Even with a gaming rig I find myself gravitating towards PlayStation and Switch constantly… PC Master Race banks on playing garbage games at 144Hz in 4k with tons of microtransactions.

I will take Breath of the Wild, Spider-Man, God of War, Ghost of Tsushina, Animal Crossing and Persona 5 100% of the time over almost anything PC has to offer.

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Totally agreed.

That’s why this

Says to me youre not really interested in even considering these positions, so maybe don’t comment on it as your mind was made up before even having played it.

So let’s just not get into it here.




The Cyberpunk genre is so rich, and it really could go any which way. I’m half way through act 2 but think I’ve had enough of the bugs and crashing for now. The game loop is starting to show itself.

It’s odd they’ve gone with no cut scenes, just everything via first person. Maybe it was to optimise their time. Still. So many ways they could have gone with it.

Thinking of something like Ghost in the Shell with those ambient contemplative moments, it’s another lens to see cyberpunk through. GITS is philosophical, but in 2077 it’s like we’re in this fetish over-sexualised junk world. Maybe I haven’t hit much of the corpo stuff yet.

They definitely went down a certain path. A sorta robo jock type thing. It seems to want to throw u into a world of excess, speed, noise and sensory overload, but it’s mostly a world full of wandering bums and sex workers. Kinda missing the chance to really dig in and tease out the genre a little more. The Braindance mechanic is quite cool though, I’ll say.

It sorta sucks that V is just this hollow kinda quest follower without his own internal dialogue or thoughts. I dunno, they could have taken a Taxi Driver style approach with narrration and stuff. I quite liked the bits with Jackie explaining his version of the city.

The story path character stuff is nice and has a bit more depth to it. I don’t really know what else I expect from it or wish it to be. Guess I’ll hold my final thoughts on it till I finish the main storyline.


Just got ‘Gris’ on a recommendation from a friend.

Beautiful game, already a couple of the best soundtrack moments of the games I’ve bought in the last year. I like platformers and puzzles, this one really hits the spot for me. Recommended! Currently on sale on Steam for cheap, too.


Just started playing gris on the switch. Really beautiful so far!


Apologies if this has been mentioned already. My wife (the true gamer in our house) recently got “getting over it” on steam. Possibly the hardest game I’ve ever played yet very simple. Great concept, good physics, unique. I spent 20 minutes trying to get around a tree and was laughing so hard I was in tears. Haha.


I am in the middle of replaying both Dark Souls (2nd time) and Bloodborne (4th time). Definitely two of my two favorite games of all time - the atmosphere is incredible and the gameplay is still really engaging. I also prefer the minimal storytelling to the endless cutscenes of so many modern AAA games.

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I am five hours into Outer Wilds and it is stunning gaming. Myst in space with a dash of quantum mechanics.


Currently only 6 hours in and pretty blown away by Disco Elysium.
Not a typical game I’d go for and not something I would readily even call a ‘game’ because it is clearly so much more than that.
If you’re patient, don’t mind being as confused a fuck, feel like a lot of reading, want to be immersed in thoughts about thought in thought and a huge dollop of healthy self reflection about how ‘you’ as a person and not just a character in a game interact in the world then this is a major excursion.