Computer Video Game Recommendations

Gris made me ball my eyes out at the end… 10/10, would do again.


I have yet to play OW but thanks for bringing it up, I want to play it about 100x more than Cyberpunk.


I’ve heard a lot of good things about Disco Elysium. On my wishlist.


Go for it! Definitely the game I most recommend since I’ve played it.


I agree! And I’m glad you enjoyed it!

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Disco Elysium is pretty dang cool, I’ve not got thru the full story, but it is a good game for sure.


Epic giving away a different game everyday for free for the next 15 days. Today is Cities:Skylines


currently playing alien isolation , its atmosphere is amazing. no wonder it did well at the time!


I would love to play alien isolation ! But i just cant , it scared the sh*t out of me :slight_smile:


I don’t have the confidence to play it on VR! The scariest game ive ever played has been Dead space. If i ever played it in VR id probably die!


I dont have any problems with horror movies, no problem at all but video games … damn im so chicken i dont know why hehe



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i feel that… i had to put it down. If i saw that ALien coming at me while in an access panel or air shaft one more time i felt like my heart was going to fail.


Samorost 3

It’s like a playable fairy tale with incredible details. Music is very special (Floex!) and integrated with gameplay. My fav game ever.


*Cyberpunk 2077 is particularly troubling in a year during which 40 transgender people have been killed in an ongoing homicide epidemic"

What a load of low-brow manipulative pseudo-journalistic PC crap. Artistic vision doesn’t necessarily represent believes of the author.
For similar reason some communities boycott films like Mank becouse they feel offended by portray of women in pre WW2 Hollywood.


Well, I popped a refund for 2077. Sony have officially pulled it from the PSN store and are offering refunds for anyone who asks. Crazy time to be alive. Such a bummer for this title which everyone had such high hopes for. Here’s to hoping CDPR can reinvent their reputation and the title over the next 6 months or so. But something tells me that goose is already cooked. This isn’t a procedural world like NMS that can continually be iterated, but a defined reality that needs to be populated with scripted story to flesh out its depth. Sure, systems based improvements will help. But the story is the meat of Cyberpunk 2077.


I could understand this argument if the problematic points were part of the world building or the lore, clues to tell us how intolerant the depicted society is. But they are also in the character creation which is something else totally.

If a game depicts racism through racist imagery, characters and story, I totally get it. If it tells you “your character can only have max intelligence if he’s white” then it’s not artistic vision anymore.

Also, the controversy is also about the studio’s communication around the game, and how they used their trans characters to promote it, while being weirdly edgy around the subject.


The article is stating a fact in order to frame the risks involved with perpetuating trans stereotypes in one of the biggest pop cultural events of the year. Its not a single one of those things you say it is.

Artists are held accountable all the time for creating violent caricatures of groups of people. This goes doubly so for a studio touting its game’s unique ability to fashion your character how you want. It didn’t go far enough (in addition to making light of the criticisms in their communications) and in not doing so perpetuates the violence to trans people the author was referring to.


Drawing parallel between those two things is just lazy attempt at creating
shock, resentment and attachment of responsibility to CDPR.

Should we blame them for violence against trans people from now on ?

The way it was stated suggest that perhaps we should.
Cruel verdict for company that decided to include genital customisation in character builder.

but “it didn’t go far enough”

With the amount of scrutiny put into checking if your work fulfilled social expectations, you’ll always be too far or not far enough with one aspect or another and then you’ll have to apologise.

So damned if they do or don’t, it doesnt matter.
The focus of social sensitivity rarely stays in one place for long so good luck crafting complex dystopian world for 8 years without offending anybody with the final product.

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As said before, problem is not with world building.