Computer Video Game Recommendations

I do have an old school Powermac from 2009, but it has such a shitty GPU that it won’t run basically any 3D game. Besides, the ergonomy for gaming in my studio is abysmal, it’s only really set up for tracking my gear and not much else. If you have newer powerbook, you could just install Windows and play everything it’s capable of running.

Gaming is really expensive.

Same as, it’s not comfortable even extended session in the daw. Thats why I just stick to consoles, and was lucky enough to get a new gen one (not much point as there are barely any real next gen games anyway)

Only console I could imagine getting would be Switch because my SO usually hogs the TV in our living room, hah. I could set up a full gaming system in my studio, but that would cost quite a bit since I’d need a new tv and a stereo system for it.

Gaming is so expensive that I’ve given up.

Valheim, Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2, Pillars of Eternity on PC
No Man’s Sky PS

I saw a ps5 in a store last week and I thought it looked ugly and shonky … and I don’t want to pay £60 a game either.
I’m quite happy with switch and iOS … or emulators with metal slug , bubble bobble , paradroid etc.


yea wise choice, I got the digi one which was £350, not too bad considering the tech, and after selling my ps4 and physical disks it paid for the whole thing. The way I see it, is I’ve managed to play a bunch of stuff I had on the pile but at a much greater quality in most cases, as my entire ps4 library is on there.

I don’t mind the weirdness that is the PS5 design either, it makes sense from an engineering point of view and its much easier to open it up the clean out any dust, install a second SSD (when one that is compatible turns up…). It’s grown on me. The price of next games is absurd at £70 quid for first party stuff, but I only bother with couple a year (i’ve bought two ) and the rest are generally indies or older games and tbf to sony, they have made PSN pretty great for free new ps5 games. I got Control which is superb for nowt. Xbox is certainly winning with it’s subscription service (if you like bethesda games or halo) but I’ve always had a playstation, and most likely will continue until Amazon or Microsoft buy everything and we no longer need such antiquated tech.

Why can’t they just make them look like Braun devices from the 60s

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Is anyone subscribing to Xbox / psn / ps now / stadia
I’d probably subscribe to Apple Arcade if I played more games but I don’t atm.

I see a lot of e3 trailers, lots of nice fx , lighting and explosions but I prefer the unique stylised games these days… not the big AAA ( the last AAA game I worked on is due out this year I think … I haven’t worked on it for over 3 years and it’s still going )

Party animals looks nice.

Having run out of space for new games (certainly major ones), I’ve been going back through my list and am currently having a Binding of Isaac renaissance. I’d missed that Afterbirth+ was available on PS4, so I’ve added that and am trying to work through some of the challenges. It’s a strong testament to the game that I have to stop playing every couple of minutes to look things up on my phone, but still manage to enjoy myself. I had a Gungeon revival prior to this, but I prefer the more outrageous and frequent item combos you get from Isaac.

Hotline Miami collection in cheap mode!!!

Contains two excellent games (which require tolerance to violence and weirdo)
but especially the two original tapes which are really high quality.
Without doubt the best game music I know of.
Whoever owns Steam and at least one ear cannot miss …


Cool, thank you!

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Personally, I consider the original dark souls among the most important pieces of art made this century, so I might as well add it one more time to this thread.


Demo on Steam after a long waiting…


I’m not huge on gaming (def a casual) but From Software games are so phenomenal and interesting, I couldn’t help but binge the Souls games. There can never be enough mentioning of Souls games :slight_smile:


Elden Ring is a day one purchase for me. Genuinely super excited for that one. Trailer looked like a cross between Dark Souls styling with a bit more of Sekiros pace and action.

I absolutely adored Sekiro. What a game.


I’ve enjoyed the Souls games I’ve played, but Sekiro was a bit too tough for me. I actually had to give up on the final boss. …also, that monkey… man, I hated that one!


That ape has to be one of the most memorable bosses of all time!


I don’t play as many games as I used to, though lately the games I’ve enjoyed the most are Disco Elysium (a trippy detective RPG that focuses more on psychological, dialogue driven gameplay than combat), 13 Sentinels (mixture of a VN and RTS strategy with beautiful art and a fun pulp mecha story), and the Nier remaster (one of my favorite games of all time, goofy yet tragic post apocalyptic fantasy sci fi. flawed but there’s nothing else like it).
Will probably also pick up Resident Evil 8 and the Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne remaster, but I haven’t had a ton of time to play games lately. As far as the future I’m looking forward to No More Heroes 3 and Shin Megami Tensei V.


I found it a little easier than Dark Souls but that’s probably more due to the controls. I came to Dark Souls later and played it on Switch. Quite clunky vs more recent games!

The final main story boss in Sekiro though. Christ he was tough. Don’t think it’s any exaggeration that I would’ve been close to 100 attempts over the space of a week to beat him. But what an epic fight.

The Headless Ape was a good one too. The second time around - my word, what a ball ache :joy:

Great game though and set me right in the mood for Elden Ring. Got no doubt that will deliver.

I tried my hand at Dark Souls on Switch and very quickly realized it required too much investment for my taste.

Which is a shame because these games - Bloodborne and Elden Ring esp - are imo the most beautifully produced games today. I’m excited for the fans who have more patience. They’re on my retirement play list.