Computer Video Game Recommendations

I used to love Epic! The game company.

The problem I have is they slid into the digital retail space with a half-assed front end, and then started paying off Devs for timed exclusives.

I know that there are downsides to Steam, for developers too, but abandoning the platform that your original fans were on for 6-12 months because someone slipped you a few bucks is kinda slimey on the part of both Epic and the devs that accept it.

Just my point of view, plus I have 400 games in Steam and 100 in GOG. I donā€™t want yet another client on my machines.

So you know, itā€™s all personal taste, what bothers one personally, and they just rubbed me the wrong way, so I wait for the Steam or Switch releases in these cases.

Definitely not trying to persuade anyone to think like me :smiley:


Has anyone played Towerfall: Ascension? Honestly one of, if not the most fun death match and coop games ever imho. Such a shame they never made it playable online. Itā€™s on loads of platforms. Thoroughly recommended if you like frantic old school 2D games.


Epic pays bribes to make the games exclusive, they work against the players and against the developers.
Everyone is free to set up a store, but apart from the developers themselves or their publishers, I refuse the exclusivity.
It is the polarization assured as in the odious world of game consoles (Sony, Ms, Nintendo, all are betting on it).
I have about 1000 games on Steam, a few on Gog, others on publisher / developer launchers, I even buy games that I do not play in support of certain developers or publishers because it is a fantastic medium which must endure.
Personally, I no longer buy games from a developer who signs an Epic or Sony exclusivity, especially as @ J3RK points out when the reputation of a series has been made elsewhere.
Of course we can wait until the end of the exclusivity, but if the waiter at a bar looks down on me and tells me to wait when places are empty, I go to the bar next door.
The obnoxious Tim Sweeney and his lamentable words donā€™t motivate me to change my mind, because I really love video games and I wish creators to have the widest and freest audience possible.

Exclusivity can be 1,3,6 months, one year, eternal, depends on the bribe.


Sea of Thieves

Any other players on here? I get on with a buddy of mine once or twice a month, id love to get a bigger crew goin and finally try out a Galleon!
We play on Xbox, though i think the game is cross platform, I dont know, I have no clue how that works.

Went teenager mode on the last day of steam sales and bought Dragon Ball FighterZ


Iā€™ve always wanted to play, but never got around to it since I heard you kinda need a full crew to do anything meaningful.

It has been a while since I was truly enveloped by a game. The last major time investment I made into a game was Diablo 3. I have always been a big fan of adventure hack n slash games. Another really good game that is similar is Path of Exile. I found it to be far deeper and more complex which I really liked.

If you are looking for the most hardcore, aggravating, stressful, but insanely fun game I would recommend Escape From Tarkov. Its a tactical shooter, but the level of realism and extreme risk/reward dynamic is bonkers. No other game has gotten my heart racing or tested my gaming skill like it. You choose your tactical load out, enter into a raid where its you against the world. Complete quests, pilage for loot, kill everything that moves and try to find the extraction point. If you die, you loose everything.

I lost a lot of friends due to this game, and it was awesome !

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I was playing through Diablo 2 res on PS5, then I bought Grim Dawn in the Steam sale.

I think I prefer Grim Dawn a bit more. Didnā€™t connect with Diablo 3 , too cartoony.


The smallest ship works well with a crew of 2, thats what Iā€™ve always used, I think the game scales difficulty to your crew size. the largest ship definately requires at least 4. not sure what the crew member limit is though, ive only played 4 times

I could not get into D3 no matter how much I tried. I really wanted to like it. I love Borderlands, so cartoony is ok with me, but something about that aspect, and the atmosphere just didnā€™t work for me. Absolutely loved D1 and D2.

Before I ever played those though, I played Ultima VIII Pagan. (Many people donā€™t like it, but itā€™s my favorite of the full series.) IMO it takes the top spot for thick, foreboding atmosphere in a fantasy game.

For a non-fantasy game (sci-fi cyberpunk) System Shock is the best IMO.

Point being, the atmosphere in D2 especially was nearly at those Pagan levels and I LOVED it! D3 did not quiteā€¦

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Given but still a good game!

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ā€œHellblade: Senuaā€™s Sacrificeā€ is really captivating.
Some fighting and some riddles, nice story, incredible atmosphere and universe.

Seems short, but I had so much fun playing it. Darkness with capital D.

At some point you need some headphones cause youā€™re in the dark, searching for the exit. Sounds is binaural.

And I found the take on mental illness very interesting.

Less than 8ā‚¬ right now.

Edit: finished (itā€™s pretty short).
The documentary is really worth it as well, what a beautiful project.


Nice encounter, wonderful gameplay, reasonable difficulty
(both ways! not too much, not too little) beautiful.
Itā€™s not a rogue, and it feels good, one of the best if not the best twin stick adventure ā€¦ easy recommendation.

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Starting this week. But for the First time on PC. Or maybe stream it on one x. torn. ā€¦on the other hand thinking of getting rid of the PS5. Almost one year without and barely any good games.

This is not directly a game recommendation, but rather for the music of one. I recently obsessively listened to the music of Metal Gear 2 on MSX, amazing chiptunes:

Particularly ā€œFrequency 140.85ā€, ā€œTearsā€ and ā€œWaveletā€ (surprisingly nice remix of that)


Sold my switch a few years back after completing breath of the wild and mario odyssey

Have they come up with new titles that would make me buy it again? What are you guys playing on your switch?

Pray is Epic Games free game of the dayā€¦

My sister just gave it to me as a birthday present and Iā€™m having so much fun exploring! Youā€™re right, itā€™s Myst in space, but way more fun than Myst :slight_smile:

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What a timely reply!

Glad you enjoyed it. Iā€™ve become a bit of a proselyte about it: anyone even mentions a faint interest in video games I start yammering on and on about it. I still havenā€™t gotten over itā€¦

Quite literally

I actually havenā€™t finished it. Last year, because my teen asked it for Xmas, I finally upgraded the PC. I had to buy a used GPU because prices were dumb and there was very little new stock. I immediately started playing OW and it was everything: had my whole heart and soul in it. Then, at probably 70%, when all the pieces finally started coming togetherā€¦blackscreen and roaring GPU fans. I was absolutely devastated, mostly because I thought the teen would be getting a brick for Xmas. I tried everything to no avail: blackscreen after blackscreen. Then I tried some other games without any issue. I havenā€™t had an issue since. Some people seemed to have solved the issue by upgrading their PSU (seems the game causes a lot of energy spikes and, admittedly, that was the one thing I didnā€™t upgradeā€¦but will soon), but Im totally traumatized and the thought of starting over to emotionally invest like that with the potential of another blackscreen is not something I want to experience again. And Iā€™m sitting here reading people rave about the DLC :pensive:

Speaking of, this Xmas I stuffed my own stocking with some Ages: realMyst (I was not aware if had been remade :man_facepalming:) and Riven. Yeah, realMystā€¦gorgeous worlds and lovely, serene atmosphere, just like I rememberā€¦but kind of cheap puzzles. Pales in comparison to Outer Wilds (and probably Portal and Talos, both of which I have but have not played). Iā€™ve been reading for awhile how far superior Riven is, so fingers crossed. At the age I first played them, 3 years between the two games was a lifetime: I got Riven for how obsessed I had been about Myst, but it was so effin difficult, and, anyway, I was more interested in AFX and girls at that point :man_shrugging: Looking forward to getting back in, though.

Happy Birthday too!

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