Computer Video Game Recommendations

Making music (and having two young kids) had gradually pushed me out of gaming until the point where I only occasionally played Mario Kart with my daughter.

End of last year, I got a series S and gamepass and have been playing quite a few games.

Vampire survivors has definitely taken the top spot in terms of hours played

Elden ring is a masterpiece. After trying (and quitting) all previous From software games this might be the one I finish eventually, although I haven’t played in a bit and it feels like it’s going to be a challenge to pick it up again.

I just pre ordered Zelda and will also pick up the Metroid Prime remake (still have to finish dread)

That will probably keep me occupied for the rest of this year, but i will probably try a lot of indie games and bigger titles (Wo Long) along the way because of Gamepass.


I downloaded Atomic Heart from Gamepass on Tuesday, took 16 hours due to the full size day one update, played(forced myself through) about an hour or two hated it and uninstalled with zero remorse. I suppose if sexy robots and shiny surfaces make a good game then its great but for me it was pure style over substance, it doesn’t even need political controversy to be bad, its just a thin veneer and not much more, the kind of game that looks fantastic in a screen grab but falls apart once you play it.


I have it downloaded and fully predict it will be deleted within 30 minutes. Not because of any controversy, more just because I’m still finding it brutally difficult to get sucked in by any game that isn’t Elden Ring…


I keep thinking about buying Elden Ring, it looks amazing but I have a problem with frustrating games these days and as a digital download I wouldn’t get my money back if it turned out to be too hard, would you recommend it for a new to the genre player?.

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i’m similar , but its been since elite on c64 in 80’s.
maybe zelda on snes was an exception.

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I have a suspicion my feeling would be the same. It’s too Bioshock-y, and I’ve been severely underwhelmed by both the original Bioshock and BI.

The new System Shock is enticing, but my trusty Iris Xe prevents me from spending too much money on games

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Elden Ring is phenomenal, it’s hard but never unfair. Friend of mine hadn’t played any FromSoftware games before Elden Ring (and refused every time I urged him to lol), for similar reasons, but he did take the leap with Elden Ring and we both agree it’s a generational experience, an absolute masterpiece – plus he loved the gameplay and made it to the end, so there you go :wink:


I’m new to the genre and found it hard and frustrating for awhile. But, it is %1000 worth dealing with the initial frustration. As @hausland pointed out, it is a generational masterpiece and absolutely worth the time investment.


I didn’t find elden ring too hard, just a breath of fresh air from all the games that are too easy.


I suppose what I really want is lots of exploring interesting places and less spells and swords, long complicated battles have never appealed to me.

You need to use the cheat engine to finish Elden Ring as it’s brutally difficult. I’d never make it past the first boss of the game otherwise.

I think the first boss of the game is the hardest because he is easy to get to before you are prepared for him. Just run around exploring some more, level up and get better equipment, and he will get pretty easy.


I found Rykert the snake fire boss challenging but he drops my favorite weapon in the game. Starscourge was challenging as well. I only use cheat engine to give myself more health since I’d die constantly and never finish the game. Even with that it’s a challenge with lots of puzzles and quest lines to explore and complete.

I’m crap at these games. But if you get stuck it’s open world. You go on another walk about, level up, come back, give it another crack.

Hate tough boss fights, this has plenty, however, I love it!!!

Highly recommend and I’ve got 2 left thumbs when it comes to sweaty boss fights.


I’m using this post to urge anyone and everyone to play Noita.


Exellent game !
I’m playing Terraria again right now and it made me want to play Noita again one of these days.


Ha! Now you’re making me want to play Terraria again. Haven’t played it since around the time it first launched on Steam way way back in the day.

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It really is a very good game.
So much fun designing automated environments to trap bosses.
The electrical system of the game is one of the best of this type of game.

I haven’t tried the mods because in 1440p it’s not necessary but obviously its aesthetics can be modernized.

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I did not care for Elden Ring. I felt the game progression to enemy difficulty parity was way off, in that you’d then have to be super quick and competent to read and manage their patterns or grind a lot. I am not the former and I loathe the latter. The world design itself is truly a thing of beauty, but imo cramped with enemies - never a lot of time to breathe-, and, again going back to enemy difficulty, didn’t allow you to explore much cause you’d just get murdered immediately.

Loved Breath of the Wild and Hollow Knight (which some claim is harder, but I never once felt it was unfair with where you are in the game), but I think ER was just too much game for me. I spent 100+ hours and got maybe only a quarter of the way through. Not worth it.


I got my ass kicked by Elden Ring for the first few days, its my first entry into that kind of combat etc… it sucked. But then I took care to get better at fighting and the game became absolutely amazing. Using a ps4 controller instead of a mouse/keyboard helped too haha

The fact that a fairly standard low-level enemy can kill you makes it that much more satisfying when you’re attacked by a 200ft dragon and come out on top as the winner. Because you fucking earned it.

Its worth learning, Elden Ring is easily one of the best games I’ve ever played, and I hated it for the first few hours because I was having a similar experience as you described.