Computer Video Game Recommendations

Well I am not a Historian but as far as I know the whole Hippie Movement was based on an Anti Vietnam policy, and the Summer of Live Love alone found round 300.000 of them. But its still Apples and Oranges.
I don‘t want to talk down russian protesters. I give them credit for everything they have done. But its a given fact, that the majority of Russia stands behind Putin and this imperialistic agression. And why the heck is everybody always pointing at the faults of the US as if it would put anything of it in perspective. It does not! Putin is a fucking raping war kriminal that is on an imperialistic journey. For fuck sake, google butcha! Putin himself honored the Squad that did that. The US never honered War Crimes! This war is not provoked by anyone. So take it as it is, it has nothing to do with the past. The West trys to help. Even if western countrys have done bad things themselves, there is no contradiction.

Not really. It’s just safe to voice support for the war (even when you don’t support it), as the opposite can be punished harshly. Just today a blogger who wrote about Bucha got 8.5 years.

According to independent polling, 58.5% declared support for war last month. However, when you use additional questions, the core war supporters are only 22% of the sample, comparable with the core war opponents (20%). Add the fact that anti-war people are less likely to participate in polls and you end up with really low actual support for the war. However, Putin’s propaganda is pretty good at making people believe no one else shares their views and they wouldn’t be supported by anyone.

Well, didn’t use to punish for them either. Consider the My Lai massacre: hundreds of people killed, mostly women and children, only one soldier was punished (got 3.5 years of house arrest). And that only happened due to massive pressure of concerned citizens, but other massacres of similar scale that were reported by soldiers weren’t even investigated.

Now it’s different though, US actually prosecuted soldiers for war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, and anyway I don’t think Putin’s invasion can be compared to anything the US did since withdrawing from Vietnam, and bringing up US is pointless whataboutism in this case.

Actually, I don’t think we should bring up politics here at all. Let’s end this discussion.

Back to gaming, I feel a strong urge to reinstall Crusader Kings. But the deadlines are looming.

My advice: don’t play Crusader Kings, unless you have a few weeks of free evenings. And even that time can be spent on something less addictive.


I always wanted to play crusader kings as well. But yeah the time factor.

But actually I find it just to much in general. There are so much games. I have so much games I could play until I die. I know first world problems. But I really need to find a better way to choose, to not play everything everywhere all at once :wink:
At the moment chained echoes and Metroid Prime.

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I recently thought that maybe I should limit myself to story-based games. A good story can make it feel like you didn’t just spend your time clicking pixels or mashing buttons, you actually got something from it.
But I’ll be the first one to admit I fucking love managing a kingdom in CK3, building a village in Kenshi or promising myself that this turn is the last one for today in Civ5 too much. Generative random shit is a special kind of fun.

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Stop it with Civ…5 and 6…countless hours. And I always comfort myself with the fact that is actually false, that it has educational value.

The Story thing is might be the key, even thou most games have them and most of them are pretty bad. I even find most tripple A games Story pretty generic. Last of Us is a shining light in this regard. Uncharted is a good game and it´s fun but the story is after all generic.
Dead Space Remake, Zelda TotK and Diablo 4 next but there will always be some turnbased or strategy game in between. just too good.

There’s a few games I’m happy to play just for the story but only if there’s an easy mode. There’s practically nothing in the FPS genre that excites me enough these days to want to slog through a challenging campaign!

Come to think of it, point and clicks aside, I’m happy with the “make your own story” types like CK3, Civ and skylines. I’d even put Elden Ring in there as for all the lore it’s still very hands off story telling.

Maybe I’ve just been gaming too many years or maybe I’m just grumpy. Having said that, I do look forward to Starfield.


I’m afraid Bethesda is putting too many bugs in it.
Skylines is preparing a II which looks very attractive.


A Skylines 2 would likely force my Steam Deck to explode! Current version runs very nicely though

And yeah, I expect Bethesda to release with a mountain of bugs. The good news - it’s part of Game Pass and I always have Elden Ring to fall back to!

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Currently playing Signalis on Steam Deck. Great survival horror with lots of nods to other games and films of a similar ilk.


I play God of War, and so far the story telling is very well done, allthough a bit linear. The method is similar too the last of us, giving you a 2nd character which progresses the story, and with its own talent tree, lots of good ideas have come down here.

I am into action rpgs, so if you like that genere, it has Zelda puzzels, Great story, and challenging combat if you want. (but story mode is also possible.)

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is any one of you playing Rain World by any chance?
(and willing to share a bit about their experience?)

i‘m quite into these eleborate behaviour tree game „A.I.“, but most reviews say the game is…hermeneutic(?), like, very hard to get into

*hermetic, i mean hermetic, damn :smiley:

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I’m wary of Skylines since that developer fucked people over with one of their previous games. I bought an expansion with my home town, and it crashed the game 100% of the time. The developers knew about it and didn’t give a shit. Can’t trust them.

An extension for Skyline ?
I have a few and no worries,
but I know that this kind of situation can be painful.

No, for their previous city-building game, either Cities in Motion or Cities in Motion 2. Can’t trust them after that.

Starfield yeah. Normaly I would love to play it but I have a strange tick when it comes to bethesda games and their stupid game engine. I hate those faces and the eyes. I just can‘t stand this


exactly the faces are very awkward, for me too

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I really can‘t understand why they did not switched to unreal or something for a big next gen game like starfield. It really looks bad to me.

I just got a PS5 and tbh, I’m kinda blown away rn. I actually feel like I did when I got a PS4, just amazed by it, which I didn’t think would be the case. on paper I feel like the PS5 doesn’t add up to much, but there are so many qol improvements that just make it so sleek and satisfying.

btw I hate the look of it - its permanent location is behind the TV. and I did the TV upgrade thing last year to a sick one that could handle PS5, but still managed to milk another year out of my PS4 Pro before upgrading. I was actually starting to think my TV had problems, it turns out nah, the PS4 Pro is just showing its age.

but holy guacamole, just full tilt 60fps the whole time on all games is amazing, meanwhile, you don’t have the jet engine leafblower in your living room like the PS4, so you can actually hear your TV volume now

I’ve got a secondary m.2 in the mail, so that will be sweet. I went digital. and I reckon I’ll have to get an extended storage drive coz redownloading games is a chore.

I signed up to PS+ extra too and that is kind’ve blowing me away as well. so many games. I got it for $3 for some reason a deal was on, and I’ve got like Control, Forbidden West, Returnal, Stray, Observer and so many other games out of that deal. PS+ has really come a long way.

Cyberpunk plays so much better, Tsushima looks smooth as. Forbidden West looks phenomenal. Elden Ring wasn’t really impressing me on PS4 Pro so it’s nice to have a smooth experience now on the 5. my backup save corrupted for some reason tho so looks like it’s back to the start (but wasn’t far anyway)

but yeah I was damn close to buying a PC, mainly for some graphics work, but I was quickly lured into it being a gaming thing, doing a build, pricing up parts, etc etc, and the PS5 just neutralised all that which is great for the bank

anyway random rant, 2 years or so late on next gen but it feels good to finally hook in with loads of kinks ironed out and tonnes of content available. be sick if PS had Xbox’s quick resume but apart that its so good

only question is Starfield and how to get at that in another 6 months. I wonder if it will actually have massive issues / get panned, and we see a release on PS5 in 3-6 months to boost sales. otherwise xbox has nothing else for me


I absolutely loved that game, I had a blast playing through it a couple of times together with my kids.

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Hitman 3 and the new Freelancer Mode have taken up more time than I’d like to admit these days. Highly recommended, but FYI, can be addictive.