Computer Video Game Recommendations

This is great on paper but in practice is hugely hit and miss. Especially with games that are basically online only - they often end up with “failure to connect” errors meaning you have to force quit the game and reload. things load rapidly on my Series X so not a huge pain in the arse, and you get used to which titles are the worse and learn to close them before opening anyway, but yeah, not the super feature it was sold as in my experience.

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Hate the look as well. I can not understand who designed this thing.
As much as I love the experience like you do, this thing looks like shit. I know some poeple like it but I really hope sony comes to terms someday and makes something you are not embaressd to put under your TV

It has a better implementation of VRR, FPS Boost on a ton of games, mod support for Skyrim, Fallout 4. If you play older games (previous gen) too and you have a proper compatible screen, the Series X is a no-brainer!

Quick resume is not working properly with most games. It’s handy for Youtube. But Youtube doesnt Quick Resume :man_shrugging:t2:

Quick resume seems to work perfectly offline, or at least with single player games that I have played.

I watched my son play Returnal on his godfather’s PS5, yesterday.
Wow, I’m impressed.
And I love the first Horizon Zero Down… Got to stay away from PS5 for sure.


Rain world is an acquired taste for sure. But it’s one of the most fascinating games I have had the pleasure to play. It’s a piece of art. It’s frustratingly difficult, even on the easiest setting (monk). But once it gets you, it really gets you. It’s unlike any other game in that you basically have to discover 90% of the game mechanics just by trying to traverse and survive in a (beautifully designed) world, without an obvious goal (at first). Lots of trial and error, but it’s very much worthwhile in my opinion. I can only wholeheartedly recommend it, but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.


Any strategy gamers on elektronauts?

Been loving:
Phantom Brigade, a weird “simultaneous turn-based” mech tactics game
Highfleet, weird alternate history kinda Dune / Soviet Afghanistan world with crazy sophisticated electronic warfare (like radar, jammers, missiles…)
Unity of Command, about the eastern front in WWII


So true, it’s a bit of a time suck, bit of a winter prep for this side of the world I guess.

But yeah, who knows, if MS release a boosted Series S, that could be the jam. Or even just snag a current S as a Starfield machine if it’s optimised and up to it.

It’s funny I go through phases with games. Sometimes go hard but then don’t touch it for months. PS5 definitely making me feel like I live in 2023 now. Combined with the m2 Air I got recently, gotta say it’s a great time for computing.


Not a video game but is anyone else using startisback? I recently installed it on my Surface and it really improves the user experience.

Are you under Win 11 ?

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I am. I didn’t intervein in the update. Something I should worry about?

Worry, I don’t think so, but I know that previous Windows are very configurable and I didn’t see the added value.
I’m not on 11, make sure it has windows 95 mode, then you can do more than you need, for sure.

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It was $5… didn’t look that far into it. Do you use OneDrive? What a piece of junk that is I also uninstalled it finally.

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No Drive, none.
The Windows interface tends to be more and more general public, “aesthetic” and less functional. That’s why using the simplest version is ultimately more efficient.
I would like to know the percentage of users in 95 mode.
The basic interface tends to make me sick.

I hate Windows One Drive with a passion!


A good t-shirt

I recently upgraded to W11 again (first time encountered a shitload of bugs, this time it was better, although W10 is still way more stable), and there’s an absolute lifesaver app called ExplorerPatcher. Basically a must have app, given that they’ve completely butchered the taskbar in W11. It can also help you revert to the W10 start menu, but I don’t use that option as I rely on typing app names anyway.

Also why don’t you guys like OneDrive? I’ve found it just as good as Dropbox and GDrive, while being way way cheaper (I’m using an Office 365 family subscription).

It’s funny how in the last few years I turned from a Windows hater into a mostly happy user, although W11 adds quite a lot of bumps on this road.

I’m afraid my strategy list is way too generic. Age of Empires remaster, Crusader Kings, Civilization 5…

Victoria 3 looks ace, but to run it properly, you will need a Mac that doesn’t exist yet…
EU IV gets my vote, though

Been tempted by Victoria 3.

I’m strictly realising that buying a Steam Dexk was a big mistake for my music making intentions :joy: so many interesting games out there. And loads in my library that I never got round to over the years due to various reasons.

Still obsessing a little over my shitty city in Skylines though. Like, it’s now my main goal in life to fix mass traffic congestion…

Haven’t returned to Rimworld or Crusader Kings 3 yet either. If that happens I’ll be as well giving up on music :joy:

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