Computer Video Game Recommendations

IMO Diablo II was the pinnacle for the series. I’ve been meaning to play it again. Might grab it on the Switch, so I can play in the wee bits of downtime I have.

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The best ! An atmosphere and pure beauty.
I am interested in your opinion on the II because it is a remake it seems to me.
I still have the original in the box but no CD-ROM drive for years.
If the remake is respectful, I might support the Blizzard launcher.

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In terms of gameplay, D2 was absolutely amazing.
In terms of atmosphere, D1 is hard to beat. Shit was dark and scary.

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Has anyone played any of these games one of which is Pentiment?

Pentiment was one of the most beautiful gaming experiences I’ve had in a long time. It’s about as slow as one would expect from a visual novel, but the story and artistic design is top notch. It’s one I think about a lot since completing.

About story and artwork Pentiment is the most intense game i’ve ever played. So much text to read, but it’s worth it…

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Gamepass is over guys😄 redfall sucks. And subscription sucks.
Enough games for life at hand and the big ones won‘t even make it to gamepass. Next is diablo 4.
Will get it on playstation also because play anywhere promise from microsoft was a lie obviously.

Got me Cyberpunk 2077 while it was reduced price.
Cool characters, story, world, etc.
Man, I love this game!


I bought a series s back in december thinking 2 or so years might have been a long enough wait for there to be some decent content, as yet I havn’t bought a single new game and after replaying old titles for 2 months on game pass I think I might be done, if you look at the outgoing games compared to the incoming its pretty woeful, every hyped title has been a massive let down, either broken or seriously under performing. It appears my modest expectation of being able to play new games at 60fps/1080p on a console that sets its own bar higher were foolish.
Some games seem to have been deliberately mis sold, showing ray tracing during development only to release them without is a new level of shady imo especially with the trend of pushing for pre orders.

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This has to be the shittest console generation yet. Both Sony and Microsoft and huge snore fests.

If it hadn’t been for Elden Ring I’d have barely touched my series X in the past 15 months or so

Having said that… Diablo 4 is almost a near certain purchase😂


Sony has had a few more good ones though. Returnal, God of War, last of us part one…all pretty good.
The console itself is a bulky white ugly piece of what the hell if you ask me. Its 2023!

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The System Shock remake releases at the end of the month. Should be very nice!


You can be sure that by the time anything decent comes along the next console version will be required to play the games at the previously stated specs and on it goes. GTA6 will come out in 2 or 3 years a couple of months before the series x/s+ is announced so they can sell it to you twice like last time. oh how I miss the xbox 360 days.

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Not looking to create a flame war but honestly can’t be arsed with the Sony exclusives. They all just play out the same way to me. I know that’s a crazy generalisation but you’d be as well painting Joel grey, give him an axe and have him web slinging around a Manhattan populated with tech dinos for all the difference it’d make to me :joy:

We have a PS5 that’s genuinely gathering dust now since my youngest got a PC. He’d rather play Roblox than a PS5. Doesn’t get much more damming than that :joy:

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Returnal is the best game I’ve played in a long time. It’s hard, which probably holds it back, but it deserves a place among the greats as surely as Elden Ring does.

Beyond that a lot of PS5 stuff is still grappling with the generation switch, I think. Some excellent stuff, but not always substantial gains over the PS4 beyond frame rate and resolution (often frame rate or resolution). Still, the Plus library is stuffed full of treasures.

I’ve been playing Ghost of Tsushima lately, and that’s been frustrating because when it’s good, it’s very good indeed - the combat is excellent and the world looks phenomenal. But it’s a very needy game - every secret is heavily signposted so you can’t miss it, and you’re forced to sit through every cutscene and conversation so you can appreciate how much effort they’ve put into the story. This borders on the unbearable at times - you’ll get mission stages which simply involve walking over to someone else and listening to them for five minutes.

I nearly lost it when I started the DLC - which you can’t come back from until it’s done - and it began throwing regular hallucinations and memories into the mix. It felt like a cycle of five minutes of fun separated by ten minutes of tedium, which isn’t a good ratio.

I’d also maxed out pretty much all my stats in the first zone, just by exploring, which is a shame because it encourages the exploration but you’d be much better off ploughing into the story as soon as possible.

I’ve gone off track here and veered into a review.

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Lets face it. Best games are non exclusive. We agree on elden ring. Diablo 4 will be good. And Zelda is on Switch :wink:

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Why ?

I have the Series X, PS5 and the Switch … honestly, I’ve been playing the Switch more than the big boys. I think GamePass is still an excellent value if you don’t own many games. Plus it has a Sony game, MLB the Show :laughing:

I have my PS5 in my basement so I can play Gran Turismo (could be the greatest game if Sony wanted it to, but they don’t seem motivated to improve the single player experience). Returnal is cool. I don’t really fancy GOW or zombie games though.

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Because most games don‘t. A handful do.