
Yeah, but elon couldn‘t really know hoe the market behaves for shure. Doing it on purpose is a stretch.
Shure Wall Street Guys are doing it, but they are doing it mostly by moving big amounts of money.

Orchestrating the whole chart that way like he told in the video by a group of mighty people in the dark seems - yeahhhhaa like a stretch. And that doesnt mean that there are no whales. But you also have to be realistic

You mean realistic as in “it’s technically possible that the whole internet traffic is being surveyed but highly unlikely - think about the ressources needed”?


You can move big amounts of money at rates that imply a narrative. This is a tool of market manipulation. There is a lot of money to be made in crypto, and you can be certain that entities with a lot of money and a lot of resources are doing whatever they can to make as much money as possible while there is little regulation. I don’t subscribe to any “person behind the curtain” narrative, but it only takes a couple of whales to have a conversation and try something out

Gareth Soloway does a good job of explaining “technicals” vs “news” and how they tend to coincide.


I really dig this Kitco channel; I saw this Robert Breedlove guy giving his take on things on the program last week and found it very interesting.

I checked out this video from his channel and found it really interesting as well.


very very interesting…! quite hard to follow him from time to time (as not being a native speaker) but lots of useful information/analytics!

I hate to keep being a buzzkill (but I guess I will be anyway, right?). I’ve been watching a show on Netflix recently that some of you might enjoy - “Money, explained”.

Specifically, the episodes on “Retirement” and “Get Rich Quick” might be of interest. They touch here and there on crypto, and investments, retirement plans, financial schemes, etc., which is why I thought it might be of general interest to those of you, uhhh… generally interested in financial matters.

I’m not knowledgeable enough to say anything one way or another. I might even dip a toe into crypto with some “fun money” at some point. But I would caution anyone investing anymore than 3-5% of their investment portfolio in crypto, don’t do it until you have exhaustively researched the entire array of investment philosophies and vehicles available to you.

  • This is not financial/legal advice. I am just another dude on the internet who doesn’t want to see people (especially my fellow elektronauts) aching with regret a few years from now. Do what you gotta do though. Good luck. Seriously, I hope everyone prospers. And I’m going to bow out of this thread now.

This is the first video I’ve seen that makes me skeptical of ETH. I plan on cashing out for a bit when BTC hits 48k.

Is this the first video you have seen from that guy? He is a douchebag… just read a bit in the Youtube comment section — the people don‘t make fun of him because of nothing … self acclaimed „King of Incels“ :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The stuff Vitali writes about is of course ridiculous … or maybe not … maybe that‘s our future (having nodes on our phones etc. … not now but in 10 year?).

Edit: The more I think about that dude the more I get the impression that he is being bought as an influencer. He sold all his BTC and ETH now? What an idiot… I don’t even believe him that he did that.

I’m wondering when a company uses blockchain-tech, how much money they safe since the tech is made beside security-aspects to be more efficient

explaining data would be nice

Nobel prize winning economist: old-school

Rando dude on internet: makes good points


Personally, I’ll listen to anyone who makes a good argument. Nobel prize winning economists disagree with one another so it is impossible for all Noble prize winning economists to be right.

who gives a fuck about reputation? :joy:

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“The growth of the Internet will slow drastically, as the flaw in ‘Metcalfe’s law’–which states that the number of potential connections in a network is proportional to the square of the number of participants–becomes apparent: most people have nothing to say to each other! By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet’s impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine’s.” - Paul Krugman



Congrats you found the rare item that puts all his past work to shame. Send it to the Nobel committee.

Predictions about the future to fill up required print quota are one thing, but in the article posted he’s laying down facts on the situation as it stands now.

Did you check out any of the Robert Breedlove videos I posted earlier? He has a real compelling perspective as well. I think everything should be scrutinized regardless of who says it and that it is best to strive for objectivity. Pride (being right) doesn’t really matter to me. I just want to make $.

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Wise man

I think this crypto discussion is too ugly for this lovely forum.
Might be a good idea to continue at ni forum

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I highly disagree. I do think people should should use less emotion though. I’m extremely interested in the concepts of value and currency.

Me to , but to get answers, i dont ask musicans