
So you’re proposing that discussions in the General Lounge section of the forum should only be related to music?

Musicians aren’t savvy/knowledgeable about economics, tech, philosophy, and psychology?

No, but if people dont understand, and if it is not so pleasant, then i prefer to talk about it somewhere else

It is more about identiteit than about knowledge

Discussions about crypto online always become flame wars, this is one of the more restrained and genuine discussions I’ve read or participated in.


Wouldn’t it be easier for you to just ignore this thread than to censor it for everyone who finds it useful? I created this thread 3 and a half years ago.

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I dont censor
I give my opinion
When i read, i see a lot of nonsense
And a lot of negativity

On this forum, i usually find helpfull information and a lot of positivity

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There’s a “Mute Thread” option.


I agree. It has nothing to do with music. It’s easily abused for personal gain by market influence. It’s energy use is fucking up the planet. And again, this all has nothing to do with this forum. Plus, if I do indulge in engaging, I have no choice but get political - cause that’s what crypto is, as a part of hypercapitalism fucking up our ecology. And I’m not supposed to talk politics here.

Will now mute the thread, but I share the opinion that this discussion should better have a place somewhere else, not music related.

Sorry for not being able to be more funny about this:)

NFTs have to do with music. What else can’t we talk about in the general discussion area?

If you don’t like capitalism, the stock market, crypto, or the concept of investing please ignore this thread. It is not meant for you and will most likely upset you. Should I edit my first post to make this clear?

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If this thread was about fish there would still be heated disagreements.
I like fish fingers.

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Farm raised or caught with your bare hands? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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IMO this thread is rather reasonable, crypto is everyone’s concern, and I learned some elements from the discussion.
As long as it is peaceful and respectful, I don’t see why it shouldn’t be allowed here.


Cancel culture has arrived in this thread :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

What do you think the governments of the world will do as a reaction of the gains?

Like in Germany right now you don‘t have to pay any taxes after 1 year (For staking it‘s not clear… could be 10 - we are waiting for so someone to fight for a court decision). I think in future the EU will tax all crypto gains (because easy money and such a huge pile of money…).

Good to have some non music discussions on here anyway. Im all for hearing people discuss CC .

Keep it flowing

So Musk starts trolling coiners and bitcoin falls $2000. In more sane times this guy would be ousted by the board or investigated for potential securities manipulation and fraud.

This comes just after some nasty sales reports on Tesla.


I did wonder what happened today.
I can see he’s clever and rich but not sure his impact on crypto is a good thing unless he’s secretly buying it when it drops.

It could be worse , it could be impacted by a random celeb posting their opinions ( eg an actor who’s told what to say, where to stand , how to dress ) or a musician ( who’s likely to have co producers, a team of ghost writers , stylists …. While ‘keeping it real and authentic )

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I’m rooting for more FUD because I exited my positions right before Memorial Day and am timing when to reposition myself.

This time, when BTC drops to about $27,000, I’m going to go 28% ADA, 6% Doge, and the rest ETH.

Currency at its base is a store-of-value that allows non-local, out-of-phase value creation to be quantified and traded. In that sense, money is foremost a technology - and it’s neither “good” nor “bad” as such (morally speaking).

The mechanisms around money creation and distribution are what give money its particular negative slant in our globalised economy today. And that’s where cryptos (specifically Bitcoin for now) come in, as the creation and distribution of this store-of-value adhere to a different logic entirely. The same goes for cryptos/blockchain value networks in general, albeit to different degrees and also not all blockchain projects are governed by positive/evolutionary mechanics (eg ICP).

As for non-monetary economic systems, there are plenty of attempts happening around the world (and been happening). My experience with all of them though is that sooner or later as they grow in complexity they “invent” some mechanism that functions as store-of-value that is akin to conventional money (same goes for blockchain projects) OR they either stop scaling to a meaningful size OR most often they just flat out fail. Just check out projects such as Burning Man, Auroville, Wir Bauen Zukunft etc…I was even involved in some of those, I definitely am passed the “money is the problem” discourse, the issues and intrigues that plague such barter/non-monetary systems are comparable to business as usual.

Human psychology / humanity’s state of consciousness is the culprit more than the technology itself, although the mechanisms by which the technology of money is employed in modern financial capitalism is definitely also a problem and just amplifies the issue / hinders transcendence of this current state.

Again, that’s why Blockchain value networks and their tokens (ie “currencies”) are so interesting, because they leverage the technology “store-of-value” but do so in ways that differ significantly from the status quo. And the status quo is what’s fucking up our ecology and making the majority of humanity poorer (ESPECIALLY over the past 20+ years), so I’m good with experimenting with the crypto space in hope of discovering something better.

As for Krugman, he’s famously an economist of the left and a Keynesian at heart. I like him and in my opinion he always means well, but it’s no surprise with his background/worldview that he would resist — even denounce — the potential of any emergent decentralised mechanisms to regulate fiscal policy in value networks.

I’d say he’s simply not a good source on this matter (i.e. alternative, anarchic/decentralised, tech-driven value networks).


what do you think? Is Bitcoin a wise decision? Will it workout? I would think there are better projects (Cardano?)

So I wonder what is driving this. I do not have a theory I simply find it curious.