Hi guys,

I was recently searching for a FULL randomizer vst / Max for Live device capable of randomizing the whole 16 sounds on my non UW MD.

I actually found some randomizers, although they are only able to randomize a sound at a time.

Following the conversation on a previous forum thread someone suggested me to use the CTR-AL function to achieve a similar result to a Randomizer.

Im looking like a dumb ass looking to the machine trying to figure out how to “load” this CTR-AL function.

Ive searched the internet and the manual and cant find any “how to” enable this.

Can someone explain me this as if I was 7 y old?

Thank you very much

Kit menu.
Edit, scroll down to CTR machines then choose CTR-AL.
CTR_8P is there too!

You can hold function then tweak params to achieve the same results as CTR-AL! The big advantage of using a dedicated track is that you can have all kinds of crazy P Lok combos & if you have the track muted, then unmute for a brief second it’ll grab the last lock, hours of fun :slight_smile:

As I don’t have the Machinedrum close to me right now, I have to assume that this ctr-all is somehow close to the “PERFORMANCE” Macros on the A4.

I will have to check it when I get back home from Christmas and will post my doubts according to that.

Thank you for your kind response

Merry Christmas

Pedro Goya

It’s kind of like macros but all tracks are affected unlike a macro where you choose which tracks & param are affected.
If you lengthen DEC for eg, you lengthen it on all tracks, (or increase whatever param replaces DEC on each Track).
Unlike macros you can have 64 different p.locked step combinations in a pattern & as mentioned, using mute to select each of them takes you to ‘happy accident’ land!

Merry Crimbo :slight_smile:

Ahhh! Now Im getting it! Its exactly “happy accidents” Im after!

As ctr is a track/machine capable of being tweaked, the track randomizer can actually be applied to the ctr track/machine.

I was actually losing my faith on having a full randomizer but it seems this is a viable way to explore a lot of sonic possibilities.

As Ive said; Im not next to my MD right now to try these options out but I think this might be possible.

First of all: if I use ctr●al I will “lose” one track/sound right?

I can save a current kit state as a new kit, right?

Is the ctr-al p-lockable?

Thanks once again!

Yes, yes & the track is PLok able yes:-)

Oh shhit!

I want to leave the Christmas table right away lolol!

Thank you for your response

Just tried this out, and man…what a fresh tweaking method and new sonic possibilities this brings to the table. I was about to sell this unit out! I was missing a lot under the hood capabilities in here. Once again, thank you for your help!

you might also want to check http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtxX0VEpMSI out…(if you haven’t already)

it shows how beautiful MD is in happy accidents !

^ that video convinced me to buy a MD more than any other.


That has so much sonic possibilities! I thought I was “locked” to that 12 Bit Elektron Typical soundsignature and was about to sell this machine out.

Im drooling for the UW version though…

Mine is the non UW…

That’s a hot video! These are really deep machines.

Isn’t the 12bit only for the UW?

AD conversion is 12 bit

If you are not recording the p-locks of a ctrl-all - holding function+tweaking a knob does the same thing.

You can save a track this way.

Good for experimenting.

How do I clear the p-lock on a step?

When I say clear…I want it back to the original state.

Is this possible right?

No offense, but you should really study the manual. These basic features (and much more) are all explained there. Just imagine what else you’re missing :wink: It would suck to sell your unit, only to later learn that it could do much more than you knew.

I’ve actually red the manual.
Im pretty aware of all the main functions.

Stuff like clearing a p-lock is something I KNOW that is there in the manual and it takes 10 secs to achieve that knowledge.
(I actually ask this BASIC stuff in here for 1 main reason;

Whenever you ask this basic stuff, someone with greater knowledge adds a little step up on a specific task and that won’t be available in the Manual.

The ctr-al machines was indeed something I’ve skipped. It’s in the Appendix Section so never thought of it as a VITAL function for me.

Somehow I clearly need to spend more time reading the manual. I take no offense :slight_smile:

The Appenixes in all Elektron-manual are mostly something really juicy to deal with,just because they bring you infos on what actually Machines/Fx/etc… do

came here to find out how to clear plocks… :frowning: … my first MD came 2nd hand without a manual … but now I have one right next to me … no excuse… I know

srsly, wonder how many MDs this video did sell :slight_smile: