Cuckoo on Analog Keys

Ha ha… Ok, I’ll demo a MicroKorg XL or a Volca or something next time… Kaossilator? :wink: Or perhaps stop watch?

the volcas are great bang for the buck, I own all of them…heck, I’m still sequencing them from the OT even with an A4 now in the mix :wink:

DEFINITELY stopwatch. But it has to a fully vintage analog stopwatch lol

Haha. The AH. Analog Hands.

I actually did consider the volcas, but I really can’t wait to try the Elektrons. A4 should be in my hands on Monday!

Was considering the Volca bass, it seems good value for money. The only thing putting me off is every one of the demos having the same sound.

I’m still using my volca bass with my A4, it can produce some mean analog bass sound for $149.

I haven’t tried the volcas, and though I think they sound like fun I must agree in that they seem to have a limited sound. But they do sound like fun, and in my ears they do have a clear identity. But frankly I’m worried that particular sound will quickly be used up. What say you volca users?

The Volcas are exceptional because of their analog “bang for the buck” IMO.

for what they can do, not much you are going to find in that price range

However, as you suspect, you will use that sound up fairly quickly :slight_smile:

I don’t plan on selling mine, I dig them, but if that’s all I had, it would surely leave me wanting.

the Volca Beats is the one that kind of bothers me…bass is kickin, nice sound and then there is the snare (it’s terrible)…only remedy I’ve found is to layer the crash on top (some layer the clap)…it would have been an excellent analog drum machine if they had a better snare, better crash sample and rim shot and/or cow bell…I know, I know, cow bell…what can I say, I’m from Texas, I like the cow bell. :slight_smile:

How about some AK videos showing the use of MultiMap and using the AK as a midi controller for synths other than Elektron gear while the AK synth engine plays it’s own layer at same time?
The lack of marketing videos demonstrating this is more than odd at this point three months after launch and shipping to people on here that say that they received theirs already.
Elektron surely could use the same person whom did the official AK Trailer…whose facial profile looked a bit like “Hector”.

In saying that, I almost got put of the A4 by the demos, 99% of them seem to just show it’s trancey side which bores me.

Though I’ve heard some decent keys demos, should be getting my hands on a 2nd hand A4 this week. We’ll see how it goes.

I totally agree with you as I felt same way, as almost all the demos/videos depicted maniacal bleeps/bloops/farts; with most of them unfortunately all sounding the same chaotic and none-compositional way (as in song structure and style other than ‘DJ/Club format’, as all seems improvisational chaos)-- until some rather cool YT videos showed-up with A4 being used for the very same type of ambient atmospheric drone-scapes I enjoy composing, and then bought mine newly used.
Here’s the videos that made me pull trigger:

He also did this incredibly utilitarian tutorial video with captions that is quite refreshing from the 99.99% out there that just seem to show people on way too much stimulant just pushing buttons as quickly as their ego can demonstrate, teaching absolutely nothing:

Sorry, could not insert actual video for some reason this morning.

Yeah, good.
I should create a couple of tutorials too now shouldn’t I…

Yes, you should :slight_smile:

excellent, this is good for A4 users as well :slight_smile:

Really awesome video cuckoo.

Straight tutorials can be a little dry, I like this style better, where its sorta a ‘fly on wall’ type deal where I get to see how you really use the machine in a musical/song/creation situation and pick up some tutorial style tips along the way. The newest Dataline vid is also really great in the same way.

I don’t have an A4 or AK. For some reason (the op1), I fell out of love with elektron as the creation process started too feel to programmy and slow. I can see in your video that the AK is very much the same, but it also shows the reward is greater than what something quick and dirty like op1 can provide.

Each tool works best for its own purpose I guess, so maybe i’ll gravitate back to Elektron some day.

Good stuff!

I like how there is always a mirror in the videos. Ingenious. Not just some faceless hands from the ether, but your poster-child-for-the-insane mug. :wink:

I love cuckoo’s videos…what I liked in this video was how it was a tutorial but then all of a sudden he would get sidetracked in the music creation/sound…if you really love the music and creating it, that is reality right there…then, oops, back to the tutorial part :slight_smile:

really great stuff

Thanks y’all! I just couldn’t resist posting this one as well. A poly friendly patch for keyboardists.

@Cuckoo – as so many others here have said, thanks so much for what you’re doing. I don’t even have an A4 or AK but am still glad you’ve taken the time to make vids like this. Not sure how long you’ve been around the Elektron community but historically there’s been a strong “pay it forward” attitude among forum members, and imho you’re making a terrific contribution. :+1: