Cuckoo on Analog Keys

Thanks @dubathonic! I’m quite new here at the Elektron Forum, so I don’t know the temperature of the forum yet. The only forum I’ve been active in is the ohpeewon forum, which is surprisingly personal, and full of helpful and whole hearted people.

I made a sort of a late entrance here, but I’m pleased to meet you all. I’m also sort of new to step sequencers, but I’m feeling I’m getting the hang of it now. :slight_smile:

@cuckcoo - that sound creation tutorial is wonderful!! With the display overlay too, it is very very helpful.

Great videos!

Thank you

Fantastic video. Thank you for your time and effort.

big phat loud underlined and bold t h a n k s for that video !!!

Thanks for the videos cuckoo. Very helpful…getting the bug for an A4.

I was with Elektron at Musikmesse and got to play with Dataline for the first time. I think now it’s hard to imagine not playing with him.
Here’s a couple of videos from our jams at Musikmesse.
I’ll be posting more of the sessions weekly.

I’m just getting started with the AK but wait for me! Dancehall and hip hop are my jams :slight_smile: Mine is coming in the mail today so maybe (just maybe) I will figure out something to post as my first vid. Don’t hold me to it though I have a lot of setting up to do.

Cuckoo’s jams are dope.

love these videos keep em’ coming

I just purchased the Analog Keys and love the sound, get frustrated by the user interface, loose my work all the time, find the user manual boring - but loved your video, Cuckoo! I live in Oslo myself, by the way :open_mouth: Are your AK patches for sale? Where to get them?