Current sounds coming from your gear (Part 2)

Yep, you guessed it, SubH pinging QPAS for percussion, one voice processed through Rings too, A4 verb


Another good fit for a potential Metroidvania OST ( …yeaah i’m kind of obsessed with those )

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thanks, had to google to understand!

yep, listening to it a second time it’s perfect for slaying mutant bugs in tunnels and looking for hidden short cuts. Trippy.

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That’s a good idea!

Later on this afternoon, I’ll try to make something with the TR8S and Utopia from NI. It’s a vst aimed at making trance.

They have a sequencer where you can make an acid line.

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Having a bit of fun cutting up some of the SubH/QPAS stuff in Live and looping some sections, never know where to stop when i start doing this though


All sounds coming from my Digitone sprinkled with some Microcosm fairydust.



new version of yesterday’s track here


Some test recording of Roland TR-08 drum loops today using TX-6 audio interface in Ableton Live 11 to figure out my recording settings.


mangled my modulars this weekend with sample and so forth with Roland SP 404 MK2. Really love the Roland SP 404 MK2 combo as it does a lot and very immediate compared to working on my Octatrack.


What is this bud? Sounds like a Perkons to me. Cool sounds regardless

Got a Model Cycles this weekend. Everything other than drums is Prophet X.


digitone synthed vinyl patch

idk why but I get a kick out of synthesizing things that should be sampled instead


Love this :clap:

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Digitone. I think the random bell arp is from my routine sound pack and beats from the upcoming one.



Pretty much. The way multimode is set up in the Virus, you sync 8 parts to channels 1-8 of the Octatrack. But you can only record to whichever part corresponds to what you have set as your Auto Channel in the Octatrack. But I found a workaround that makes it so I can record to any track without changing anything. I figured out that the OT triggers both the active patch AND the patch assigned to the Auto Channel. So I made a patch that has no volume and assigned that patch to the Auto Channel. So say I want to record track 3 on the OT: When I press a key down on the Virus, it triggers both part number 3 AND the auto channel patch. But since the auto channel patch has no volume, you only hear the track channel. So you can record into that channel now, and switch to another channel and record into THAT channel! Wow, writing all this out makes it sound super confusing.

Anyway, the point is I got working at least for me. There probably is a better, more logical, way to do it.

Thanks for following up!

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A little BS before bed. I’d like to blame the Juniper, but this was all me👤…


tidied up yesterday’s track