Dataline's Syntakt Experience

Great video … thanks … very inspiring, what a master can get out of this box …

After one week on the ST myself I dare to say there have been some hidden gems for me. As you pointed out the Clap is interesting. I turned the pitch very low, made the “ratcheting” rate quite high, got some modulation on some parameters and this thing was going “formant”.


does the analog rytm have two filters per track?

One filter

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thought so! which device has two filters per track (analog). Analog four?

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don’t think ST is attempting to go into analog four territory, more rytm + cycles

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Brutally honest now he’s not attached to Elektron.


DT + DN have two filters per track

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: That Syntakt Sound

@Dataline - once again the master shows his flock how this is done. Superb!



not feelin’ it.
maybe after some more diggin’

:+1:t6: :+1:t6: :+1:t6:

24min mark :+1:t6:

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…mike tbre follwed us in his used volvo, cause he received an email around 2am…
statin, all sikfluencer must meet where kenk will jam, later that night…
all for the sellouts, some said…but nah, was all for the great cigarator instead…
and guess what…even ivi ruyalar was in da house…
what a night, that was…unforgettable…


2nd being the base width? That is incredibly useful.

I guess you have to EQ/filter the analogue tracks via Overbridge.

Or Elektron should make a USB break-out box for individual 6.35mm outputs :pray:t4::slight_smile:


Amazing clap

But also cowbell !!!

:clap:t4: :cow::clap:t4::cow::clap:t4::cow:

Cowbells detected😆

Saying a lot of true things that a lot of people don’t really want to hear. The Elektron sequencer was innovative at one point, but it’s stagnated and fallen behind. Syntakt is still cool and fun, but it’s nothing new. Maybe they’ll add more new machines one day.


The Digitakt/Tone got a lot of updates over the years, I’m excited to see what they add to this as time goes by!


I saw this pop up in my feed. Always a pleasure to see a new Dataline release.

Got to say hes done a great job despite its limitations. I listened to the whole video and i actually found myself liking it in parts which surprised me.

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