Dataline's Syntakt Experience

Might be because electronic instruments are not violas and that is a false equivalence.


Why should the value of electronic instruments depend on novelty while violas shouldn’t?


See: ‘electronic’.


I don’t follow

what about electric violins/violas?

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This already OT, though whether anyone cares at this point is unclear…

This isn’t a full reinvention of the electric violin. I did not clamor for it, but it has some design innovations that I didn’t know I wanted until I saw it. I’d add frets and change the color to purple or something but that’s about it.

Alright, back to the regular discussion :grinning:

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Yeah ok you got me, violas are electronic.

I’m interested 2 know about better sequencers

Depends on your needs. Elektrons are limited step sequencers. They can’t playback as you played during recording, if you hold certains notes and play a melody over. They can’t oververdub.
So MPCs are better for this, and newer ones can do step sequencing…

Cirklon seems very good, having linear and step recording.

That said I sold my MPC 1000 (JJOS2XL making it powerfull) I bought again after OT midi frustrations. Didn’t used it and prefered to use OT despite its limitations…

Parameter locks exist since a long time (Jomox 09 was the first I used, maybe 25 years ago).


Norand Mono

EDIT: OK, to elaborate on that:

  • a number of different play modes (like 9?): forward, backward, pendulum, so-called “drunk mode”, random, random-drunk mode, and I forgot the others
  • you can create a temporary loop by pressing 2 trigs in your sequence, and if you press the right trig first, your temporary loop plays backward; press a certain key (FUNC) to come back to the original sequence, that take up where it would have been before that
  • you can temporarily select a different pattern, and it only play while you keep a certain key (FUNC) pressed, then it comes back to the initial pattern when you release this key
  • you can define a range of trigs and randomly reorder the trigs within this range only (so-called “step-dice”), excellent for short variations
  • almost unlimited number of undo levels (like more than 1000, I think) to come back to normal after such variations
  • you can define a scale and add random trigs only within this scale
  • and of course, P-locks, probability, slide, bla bla bla

This is what comes to my mind right now but there might be other cool sequencer functions


Watching this again today… still the best ST demonstration I’ve seen.


The sequencer on the $200 Roland T-8 is better than the Elektron sequencer IMO

It has probability, can play in different and random directions, and generates random sequences.

This doesn’t mean my Elektron sequencers are garbage. NO. Not at all. But, there are things cheaper more accessible boxes are doing that Elektron is not.

I have the t-8 and didn’t know it could play in different and random directions. How do you do that with it?

Also the t-8 sequencer is awesome, but it’s more cumbersome to use in some ways.

Neither did I!

#fakenews :laughing:

T-8 seq is for sure neat, but quite different approaches to Elektron - where the focus is on detailed and precise step data - which can be to the detriment of immediacy/spontaneity. T-8 is geared for fast less detailed stuff. Both great though as you said.

I do kind of feel that virtually every sequencer lately has random/probability/direction - which can be a bit useless/boring/uninteresting for some things, so Elektron still has the edge in many ways still.


Well allow me to respectfully disagree, sir :slight_smile:

(Please see my edited post above for clarifications)

I’m used to record sequences randomly with Elektron sequencers, in live rec.
Can be following a scale or not…

If you absolutely want total randomness, turn off level, close your eyes…


Add that to the best Analogue Four, Rhythm,and Octatrack demos to his CV🙂.



Roland sequencers have a few features that Elektron sequencers lack, but Elektron documentation is about fifty zillion times better than Roland documentation.