Dataline's Syntakt Experience

Nah - I’m starting rumors here. The T8 cannot play different directions. The MC707 can. I mixed the two up. I have both.


Hah, I do that kind of thing all the time too.

Still, it does have random pattern and independent rhythm and bass seq length which is cool.

I’ll thank you to stop making me gas for a Norand then sir! :laughing:


Yea! The Norand sequencer is very cool i think! And the Perkons, Polyend Play, MPC one and some others…

Getting back to the topic, I feel quite underwhelmed of how ‘samey’ the Syntakt feels in terms of sequencing. Its basically the same sequencer as DT and DN and other elektron gear. I guess I am feeling like this when lately having other gear which do much more creative things in this department.

Having said that, admittedly, I have not really returned to Syntakt since making the Experience release - I try to but I simply feel bored and uninspired, quite similar to when trying Models. Compared to other Elektron gear, I feel the Digitone’s sound is much more interesting, Rytm has much more punch and character, Octatrack has that powerhouse feeling etc etc…

I am hoping for a proper update for the Syntakt to change the sequencer and sound design around a bit… I mean, a lot has happened since Digitakt was released in 2017… Let see!


I don’t think much will happen when it comes to the sequencer. I’m sure it would have way before syntakt came?

My first thought was that the sequencer UI is closely tied to the trig buttons, the scale button… and there’s no obvious place to add new functionality.

One option might be to extend the microfilming menu, or another one like the retire overlay. It’s already a key-combo followed by more key presses. If it had a second row of options for “reverse”, “shuffle”, “transpose” or something… that might feel OK to use.

there’s defo scope for more extensive performance tricks in the modifier section, tho that’s a different thing.

Well it is the same Elektron sequencer that we all know and love. Really not sure what you expected. Any feature upgrades apply to the whole product line. Honestly, I suspect you’re just bored, having used the Elektron sequencers extensively for the last few years. Now you have time to explore/enjoy other approaches.


Some ideas here: What would be the next level for Elektron sequencer?

TBH, after having used the OPZ extensively, the elektron sequencer feels a bit limiting.

The worst are the absurd limitations on existing features between different devices: no retrig on DN or any DT/DN/ST midi tracks, no slides on ST/DT, no parameter slides on DT/DN/ST, no arp on ST/DT, no scales on DT… I mean come on these should be the basics for all devices!


This is not true. Many features appearing in Digi boxes are left out of others as noted in a post below.

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Syntakt not having arp is baffling.


Fair point

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Elektron needs to implement parameter slides to the Syntakt ASAP. Just do it.


I think i was expecting some updates on how a user can perform on elektron workflow n its sequencer. For example to be able to reset sequencer length by pressing steps (volca style) or having different sequencer play types, or having some substeps in the sequencer, or swapping kits on the fly, or a sequence generator or having different sound machines (not only cycles n rytm) or pattern morphing or simply the modifiers doing something interesting to my ears… The list can go n go…

Yes I have been using elektron stuff heavily over the years and so has many other artists n people out there. During these times, there really has been some cool innovative ways to perform on such machines. And if this workflow which i really enjoy doesn’t update itself on a brand new product (only using good stuff from the past), yes i would be bored, naturally. :))


yep, pretty much my list right there too👆


totally agree. They rely to much on the past. P-locks were once the thing, but since then - the biggest update were the conditional trigs


aye, elektron is still my favourite interface of all time, no question. there’s definitely room for advancing the paradigm like others are doing.

Love the new scales & fold feature. it’s epic. mix that with pattern generation / mutation etc, ala Norand Mono and we’d be at the races 2022 style.

Having said that I’d still bite your arm off for a Machinedrum with its now somewhat limited sequencer. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Hmm, yeah some performance stuff would be cool for sure, but I think it has to be done right to not sound very cliched and gimmicky. I have numerous ideas how this can be done even within the current Elektron machines, but I don’t think they’d ever be implemented for practical reasons.

I’m quite bored of random/generative stuff personally, performative and compositional enhancements are where I’d like to see all sequencers progress, in the last decade not much has changed in this regard.


I agree it would be great to get some innovative features to spice up the Elektron workflow / sequencer. It’s already great, but if it had something like P-locks with conditions, that would be so cool. Imagine adding a P-lock on filter freq and then setting it to 1:4, and tweaking the pitch at 1:3. I have no idea if its technically feasible, but it would open up tons of cool possibilities without having to have alternate trigs all over the place.

Regarding the Syntakt, I’m far from bored with mine :slight_smile: It’s holding up very well in my setup, but I have not mastered the device to the levels you achieve. BTW - Thanks again for sharing your art, it’s cool stuff! I have listened to “She Says” so many times! :slight_smile:


You can get close to this with sound locks and NEI conditions. Doing this with just p-locks on one track would be better tho’.

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