[ Definitive list ] Digitone Sound Packs & more

They are still having issue with the new site it seems but I found sound packs under the shop URL.

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thank you!

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Free pack of DX7-inspired sounds, with a really excellent in-context demo video from @TheGuacamoleXplosion


thx again :grinning:


Hi great mmmmmh yummy thanks!! From Guacamole Land

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Update with small corrections:


Hey guys, sorry for writing in this old thread.

I’ve got the discography from Auvrel on Bandcamp and I can’t get the sysex onto my Digitone.
Is this just a firmware problem or what else could I try?

Any help would be extremely appreciated.

You can try c6 (sysex librarian for mac)
C6 some months ago could still be found on elektron site support for analog drive…

I downloaded some free packs and dropping in transfer did not work for some files, solution for me I read on this forum I think. In transfer app, before connecting, at the bottom it sais "go to the sysex transfer page. There I selected DN and dropped the file in that window.

I also had a strange problem where dragging and dropping all patches from a pack failed to transfer every other file, ending up with only half the files being sent to DN, the solution I found for this was a bit tedious but worked: drag each patch individually into Transfer.

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Don’t worry those definitive list are usually live and updated with new content. Some people bump me on new things and “i try” to update those list as best as i can. (i must admit i have lately some trouble to quickly update those – one is done recently i still have 2 important ones to update) cheers

So I tried a lot of things especially using different sysex transfer software.
I was able to at least transfer the sounds but not the patterns.
A friend of mine downgraded his Digitone, then transported the sysex and updated to the current OS.

That was the only solution so far that worked for me.

Did you sort that out?

Here’s a follow-up to that great pack:

(Not mine)


@johnl Thanks for sharing these, the patches are so freakin’ good!!

yes, more goodness (though i may run out of slots before you run out of sound packs)

Here’s an interesting one from Anton Anru:

64 bass patches


Hey bud, I am having trouble loading your Freaking Percs pack to my DN.

Do you have revised instructions for elektron transfer? I’m digging around and it seems like C6 is dead.

I was able to load some individual sound files from one of the official elektron packs but I can’t drag a sysex containing multiple sounds for some reason. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

E: I got it but I had to use midiox.

I created a (free) sound pack containing 108 patches including 36 “rhythm patches”. kicks, snares, clap, rimshots, hihats,rides, shakers, pads, bass, keys, sfx.
I explain the “rhythm patches” in the video below.
A lot of wonderful sound packs have been released already and I’m far from being a sound designer but I hope you’ll find a few patches to your liking:

There’s also a thread about it here so if you have any questions, it’s where it happens:


Halloween special price on Geometry 2 Sound Pack (Digitone / Keys)
Only on October 31. ( 50% off !!! )


@William_WiLD :wink:

DruFMa - realistic and synthetic drum patches.


