[ Definitive list ] Digitone Sound Packs & more


Hey guys, I would like to add my preset pack to the list :slightly_smiling_face: : 160 Classic Funk Presets for the Elektron Digitone

The pack (with a 20% discount) : Classic Funk Presets for the Elektron Digitone

Here is a free pack of ten presets from it : 10 FREE Classic Funk Presets for the Elektron Digitone

Demo of all presets : https://youtu.be/AlIolD0PXFU

I will release a pack of Genesis inspired preset soon.


Hello, new to Elektron so hopefully this is not a stupid question; Wondered if someone could tell me if there are factory presets called ‘Growth’, ‘Tycho’ and ‘Fuzzy’? (C003, C004 and C005), or if they come from custom packs? They’re pad like sounds.


those dont ring a bell. also DN factory presets only span from bank A to B, so i doubt anything from C will be stock unless you copied it there yourself.

Cool thanks. Having no luck identifying these presets at all

Hello Digitone friends! Can anyone tell me which was the first official Digitone sound pack to be released on the store for purchase? Thanks!

So, it looks like my links here won’t be updated to my new shop as the old one doesn’t exists any longer. Ko-fi is my new one, where you can find all my Sound Packs for Digitone/Keys or Analog Four/Keys! Here: https://ko-fi.com/fpsoundpacks/shop